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Penning words on paper is liberation ( for me)
To be simply put
You talk about deforestation
I say we were using it (wood) for cooking anyway before we moved to electricity
So I can write plak-cards about global warming
Writing is liberating to me in a way that I see my thoughts becoming reality
It may seem old-school fashioned with this technology around
The way ink touches paper still touches me the same way as when I met poetry
Even though sometimes I have to transfer it to digital to share with those who care
I still love inking on paper
I love expressing all different kinds of emotions and thoughts this way
And now I feel I should express how this way of expression makes me feel
when you lose your happiness life seems to fade away
sunny skies you knew now have turned to grey
makes you feel so empty broken up inside
happiness you had now has been denied

you feel so alone empty and so bare
happy times you had no no longer there
you can turn it round if you want it to
think about the good times that you always knew

keep them in your mind when your feeling blue
happiness you had will return to you
you can smile once more with a smile up on your face
your mind it will return to your happy place
  Oct 2023 Masibulele Ntsepo
We are young.
we shall grow.
As it is being said,
young shall grow.

We are tomorrow's leaders.
If we were given the light,
we would keep it until tomorrow.

Of course,
The light will diffuse.
It will spread until tomorrow.

But if we are given the dark,
We will hold it until death.

Darkness will spread.
It will spread to the grave.

Give us the light.
Give us the light.
Take the darkness away from us
and light us up.

No doubt,
One day, we are tomorrow.
  Sep 2023 Masibulele Ntsepo
I stopped looking
for my other half
in other people
the moment I realized
I was already whole
within myself.
I find no shame
in my solitude
now that alone
I do not feel lonely.
  Sep 2023 Masibulele Ntsepo
Redemption poetry on daily drip
a place to be found
a place to be
a place to sing.
I feel like i need a fresh-start,
The feeling i have with the present is worn-out,
So worn-out i need refreshments
Temptation has burned-me-out,
Focus torn-apart, that i have conflict of interest
New beginings, the pattern has become dull
I feel i cannot continue with(in) the present
I have been on this present-continuous that i have sweat(ed) even my tears
Contemplation has sped (speed) me down
I have sweat(ed) so much that i am stinking,
Stinking of regrets
Stinking of mistakes
Stinking of failures
Stinking of wisdom
I have (grown) out-grown my mother's womb
I am powerless (for) to reverse the hands of time
How do i start afresh? How do i begin anew?
I think i should start afresh by changing my way of thinking
Learn from my mistakes, so i can make better decisions and actions
Change my perspective in and of life, so as to feel brand-new
Why do i need to start afresh?
Do i perceive myself a failure?
Am i not satisfied with the outcomes of my decisions?
Do i even have a decision to make ?
Do i feel too heavy the burden of my responsibilities ?
Am i too ashamed ?
Whatever the reason , i believe a new begining will make me fresh with (new) energy,
If we are really particles of atoms, protons, neurons, etc of life
If time-travel was proved existing, would i want to keep my memories ?
Would changing everyone and everything help ?
Let me begin by rising above all the thoughts and emotions like a tide,
Wash them off-shore (like) with a wave of tsunami
(inspired by the catastrophic devasting natural disasters in Morocco and Libya )
My heart and prayers are with them
I praise the creater for thought (Thot)
I try to use the present of the gift,
Rather than understand ( overstand) it
There are alot of thoughts i find myself processing
Some thoughts i strive for reality,
Some thoughts i dont mind if they dont come to life
During the thought process in my mind, body and soul
Some thoughts pass through my mental machinery with the speed of light,
Some are sent to storage for later processing (use)
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