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Life is no charming fairytale
Even on easiest days
Most blessed person you know
Has demons to keep at bay
There's no such thing as perfect
Beauty eventually will all decay
The only hope we have is to hang on
Find happiness within the disarray
And there is no such thing as happily ever after
Nature of creation does not yield to my desires
Instead mother-nature commands me to her demands
Compelling me to forfeit my freewill, while she does as she pleases
Unpleasant for father-time , whom waits for no man
In an attempt to keep up with the times, taxing nature with these man-made creations.
While i was trying to make a contribution back to creation for my existance
Inowadays to make a living i have to earn
Due to the high cost of living , i cannot afford to leisure
Some items i cannot even afford to pay the cost of their attention
I can do anything here on earth with freewill wherest nature is powerful than me
Somethings require patience to be achieved wherest i have limited time here on earth
From birth to death i have to abide by laws of nature
The creator knows my weaknesses and strengths and fears and wishes
Therefore i will play by the rules for my purpose
Engulfed in imagination
Vision of health, wealth
I did not see myself foolish enough not to imagine me wise
Picturing the journey in my mind
Physically enduring the requisists of reality
Still in my mentality
I see myself humble
I see myself respectful and returned
I see myself loyal and returned
I see myself happy
I see myself loving and returned
I see myself spiritual
Having heard once a saying ( not sure the author nor the utterer),
"Vision without action is dreaming but vision with action equalls success."
Both these realms don't heed to my command , by the looks of the sum
Sometimes even lose control of my emotions, by them
Deeds should and will be done with the freewill and power vested in me by the creator.
Lemizamo kudala ndiyi zama-zama
Ndihamba ndibetheka
Ndagoduka ndiqhwalela
Abantu becing'ba ndiyabhampa kanti ndizikhot'amanxeba
Bambi besithi ndizenza kleva kanti ngamava
Abanye bendibona ndiphakamile(ukuphakama) kanti ndikhulile(kukukhula)
Ndayintswela kanti ndiyintswela kuqonda
Imibuzo endizibuza yona ibasinda nabadala
Sikwempa-kwempa iintloko sade saphuma iimpandla
Ndithi ndihamba-hamba ndizibone ndiqubeka ndisiwa , ndizibone ndivuka ndiqond'ba mandisoske ndiqhubeleke
Ndithi ndiyazama kanti ndiyabhatyaza
Ndithi ndiyakha kanti ndiyadiliza
Andiboni kwasisombululo ngathi ndisebumnyameni
Andiboni qu noMdali andithethi ngamaThongo
Nangona nje ndisazi ukuba bakhona, ndiziva ndinesizungu
Ndizohlala ndiyilindele inguqu
Ndihlale ndifudumale luThando neNkolo
Mandibengumnyamezeli ndinga nikezeli
Umvuzo ukhona kwabanomonde
Ekugqibeleni ndiyazi ndizophumelela kuzokhanya
Tis like living in a cube.
Such is the life of solitude.
May have something to do with the mood of attitude,
Maybe aptitude.
Tis neither negetive nor positive
Crisis defies it.
Meditation requires  it.
At birth, we are born solo.
Even twins have singular-individual intervals at birth.
The life we live is individually-singularly solo.
At death, tis a personal departure.
Some of us have made solitude a culture,
However there being no culture in solitude.
As i recall cupid.
When in solitude some of us are mistaken to be stupid,
I guess a magnitude of attitude is requested for one not be lonely when alone.
In solitude many have claimed to achieve self-realisation and greatness,
Perhaps this dimensional cube is to resolve mystery or create new ones.
I find it funny that this moment i'm thinking about love
How its been a minute since i've known love
How i would give a minute of my time
To feel a moment of love
How i will give my whole lifetime to be love
It is amusing to reminisce that i gave a minute of remiss to love when love was around
Now in this present reminiscence of the past,
I'm hoping for a future remitted with love
A pretty face;
Two sides of a dime in it's coin to play
Heads or tails, twisting the heads of men
Only to be chasing tail

A quarter of your love
For the amount of time spent on
Trying to impress an attractive attraction
And how funny we'd call her such a dime,
But have lost interests in not spending the
Necessary time to say she's mine

She's a dime
She's a dime
She's a dime

And most definitely worth the time
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