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Faizel Farzee Sep 2020
The night i was born there was a crimson moon.
There was lightning and thunder, not different to a monsoon.
The wind blew eerily while wrapped in my cocoon.

Then suddenly...

She came to me in a blinding light, told me about the power of word and its endless might.
I listened intently at the tale she recite, asking me to repeat after her
under a silver starlight.

She said, I bestow upon you a thirds mind eye
You will see the pain of this world through a poets eyes
you will marry the writing craft, it will course through veins
the oxygen you breath you will need to survive

I obliged, I gave them wings and made them fly

So i started training these words to thrill
My craft pure, refined, distill

None of this hippitty hop ****, look I use alliteration quite frequently
I think I'm the ****, well like a candy isle  in a convenient store i need bars you ***.
These words running through my mind, a marathon of thoughts
It's  is on training schedule, they ripped and fit.
This to me a game of chess, I play with finesse
you all toddlers, so easy to outwit.

Like taking candy from a baby, your defense unfit
i think you cold, here is some wool and needles leave the writing game, a new hobby for you, knit.

I see these guys with alliteration for days but ain't saying ****
Weak like trumps wall missing its bricks.
I need medical assistance my brain sick, you have no flames, a candle without the wick.

anyways, for now i'm done, i wrote this in 15 mins
ahead of myself, myself i outdone, I'm Ra
myself i out-shun.

After reading this i know you  will be brooding, I am divine, A angelic presence in a world of humans.
So don't confuse this, I'm not in battle mode yet, my demons was asking to give you some lip.

This my conclusion, sinners get down on your knees and pray for absolution.
For a written battle contest, I tried.
Faizel Farzee Sep 2020
How, Is the world not saying something? Why, This total disconnect?

They grabbed our ancestors from thier paradise to work on stolen land, no matter what civilization in the process they wreck.
Leader of the free world I lol with discontent.
This whole situation is parallax completely wrecked

Now that they have build you your nation, in return ask for a little respect
Suddenly you forget
There was a entire civalisation living peacefully before you on horse back

You completely wiped them out

Then proceeded to cultivate that blood land on their enslaved ancestors back
Now they suddenly not welcome
Like a reject, you want to send them back
They have no home, you made sure throughout history, made sure of that fact.
That is their home now, equality a notion you intentionally hiding from or is it attempting to forget.

The land you stole it, but it was "slaves" that made the biggest impact, nations stolen from homes knees placed on their neck. Their culture captured in musuems, then as  slaves they were tagged.
From a conscious mind, how messed up is that.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's only a certain sect. Then make your voice heard, don't just disconnect, it's a world problem we need to dissect, let your voice fly united for bigger effect.

It was our ancestors, the retort Then, Why, Is this still happening?

All we want is for everyone to be able to walk down the street without fearing death because of colour of skin.
Something we have no control over, unless made in a dish
I pray for a shooting star so this I can wish
All they hear is gun fire, and they fear the grims scythe
Keep them safe.

By the hand of ignorance

Please not like this, not by someone that spews lies and hatred on a daily basis yet no one even bats a eye or blinks. Money truly equals power, by now you should be sold on this.
A guy that that don't know the meaning of words, it alludes him, yet he's running the "free" world
To us this should be a diss.

What does this say about the state of human consciousness , it's a miss.

This causes dismay..

This world is currently sinking
It's way past a point of decay
If this was the Titanic we would running for the life boat, which they control.

This world is currently dying, I feel its cold.

They have it by the throat, It's life slowly fades
Unless the world United make a tremendous noise
I fear nothing will ever change.
Conscious poetry
Faizel Farzee Aug 2020
I remember how you use to hide your tears inside the downpour.
Always prayed to be the one to  lift and be your Savior
Your teary smile my downfall yet in my eyes you grandeur
Poetry in motion by elegance you revered.

This is sincere, a window to my soul inside its depth you have peered.
A piercing light from your eyes luminous it appeared
Breaking through the dark in me and now the sky's seems so clear.

There's no fear
From this day forward I will be your smiles protector
Behead the evil of this world , headless, it's decapitator.

In this life we narrators
Idling as life unfolds, never in control. Jesus take the wheel.
merely passengers.

Fake freedom sold to us
Like caged birds our path to true freedom locked. The holder of the key under the impression it's what we need or want.

All I want is to build a life unencumbered
Put in the effort reap the rewards
Without all the judgement
Our beliefs may differ, tolerance.
This is the time we tap into the truth
Some may not like to hear it
The truth hurts, so does being chastised because of colour of skin
The conscious is tired and want to ascend
We ready to evolve, can we now cut away the dead skin, holding on to the glory years, even though they will lose in the end.
Faizel Farzee Aug 2020
Why it like this?
See a anthill as a mountain untill we bridge the hurdle and fly over it, over sight
Looking back i can no longer  see my irrational fears
Washed away by all of my rational tears, hindsight.

Never forget we borne in a state of fight
Even if the evil of the world attempts around every corner to shut it out
We push through the blinding darkness
In our hearts we will always have a guiding light
Sometimes we wonder if we living right
The fact that you asked that question
Its a type of consciousness, so I have no doubt in your plight for righousness.

How did we get to this point
When the meaning life of has become less than a point
Everything we lead to believe is fake
There's no truth in this world
It got out, it escaped.
It disappeared with real history
Written in masquerade ink
Hiding mistakes and atrocities.

So in essence they killed it
So there is no escape.
So do we accept what they falsely feed us
Even though we know that it's fake
Nations wiped out,
displayed in musuems
History's grim laced with snakes,
Alexander was great, but Gengis was a tyrant that all woman he *****

What's the difference? Colour of skin.

Now do get where I'm coming from
Open your mind,
Stop eating
the sugary mold they've been feeding
To dampen the mind and truth becomes lies
The revolution is now,
Like a phoenix from the ashes new hope will arise.
Don't stay blind
Open your consciousness
Give your thoughts wings let it soar above the chaos...
The truth can no longer hide
We opened our eyes
The end of all lies should be Nigh.
Conscious poetry
Faizel Farzee Aug 2020
My fingertips softly glides along it's silken surface.
Skin as soft as feathered silk
In servertude we are to our love.
Pleasing all of you my eternal life's purpose .

Your florescent smile against the backdrop of a starry night.
The dim moon envious of its glow.
It illuminate the darkened universe.
Your radiant essence eternally my guiding light.

Your birth the wings of my confidence.
like the wind guides a feather
You make me want to be a better me
Soar to a higher consciousness.

You are my heavenly earthly angel
Your tongue taste devine
Our union blessed in nirvana
Our love religious, devotees, it has it's own shrine..
Our love is a religion.
We stanuch followers
We devote in its following
Our hearts is our wedding ring.
Faizel Farzee Aug 2020
Morning sun awoken slumber
Now a nightmare truly begins
Dreams becoming the hunted
Obstacles daily in-cumbered

Pushing through treacherous hurdles
Morning sun awoken slumber
Shedding all unwarranted burdens
whispering failures a cumber

Self worth in a constant wonder
Searching for all the fading stars
Morning sun awoken slumber
All failure singed within memoirs

To learn from all life's mistakes
Not to be another number
Happiness at times we must fake
Morning sun awoken slumber
Sometimes dreams can be out of reach
do we give up?
run and flee?
We knuckle down, we fake a smile
we take the negativity and make it kneel
the trick is never give up in life
even if that is how it makes us feel.
Faizel Farzee Aug 2020
We walk this winding road in a state of decay, It's cascading unhurriedly, deteriorating quietly. Like dying leaves in the fall, it's death falling silently.

A hushed tone to the tone deaf
signs signalling all around
screeching on collided tracks
a train-wreck
We continue with this one track mind
Telescope equaling tunnel vision
It makes it easier to ignore visualising facts.
Keep faith with a system built by ancestors
Who's fix was genocide and unwarranted wrath
Where is the sense in that.
With the downtrodden and their broken backs covered in death their wealthy tracks
rewrote history without a inch of tact
nations made to disappear
truth be told, looks like that sort of dark magicians back.

Lessons not learned  
Make us believe our livings basis is math
Education  singed to history
A crimson moon lit by untruths
We deaf-ly continue to dance to the same horror-ed tune
Our murderous march equal to suicide
Our morals compass corrupt
like windows in a error state
It's magnetized  needle had crashed
smilingly walking  this destructive path.
Truly the only end in sight, a ****** bath.

Is this not crazy?
like a merry go round wearing the tears of the world flexing in insanity's pants.
Moon walking
falling in the same backtracking tracks
Taking a giant leap for mankind
yet our mentality's still stuck in a timeless past
2020 fighting for equality amidst a deadly  virus attack
If this is not the epitome of a human race in digress
Like running on a treadmill backwards never evolving
hopelessly moving, yet stuck in one place
With truth caught in a ever revolving messy mess.

Losing unnecessary lives is pure nonsense
Like Trump in office it makes no sense
Like a lemon peel hand in hand with hope lost
Seeking for it blindly is living life bitter with a bad taste
The majority is woke, mostly not fake
It's the leaders sleeping on change
Like mount Rushmore it's struggling changing its face.

The power to them is addictive, it's so dope.
They would rather one by one slit our throats
Get buried with all the dead trees that made them rich
Then give dying world a ounce of hope.
I lol,  but this is no joke
Maybe this is my outlet, or just a way to cope.
Knowing the earths dying slowly ....
Yet we still harmfully searching for hope.
how is this the mentally today, we moved from home phone to space
yet cannot grasp the fact the we all one human race...

If i was alien, i would not want to be on this earth
I'd rather be locked in a cage
until the human race cause itself to disperse.
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