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 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
Devika S
 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
Devika S
Beckoning amid the mundane chaos of all and sundry
I heard a whisper – ‘Take a deep breath. Be.’
Along a hidden guise, the voice lingered:

Sit by the old campfire, roar at their repartee
Go, revel in joy. Be!
Bask in your gradual siesta, lolling on the settee
Vision dreams black, white and hued. Be.
Revel in the white Christmas joys, or stare into the forlorn sea
Through peaks of joy or hollows of misery. Be.
For no act is more profound or tranquil,
Stay. Breathe. Be.
 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
I'm brainstorming up a riot.
One where people will die
When they're asleep
And quiet.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
Where you can hear all types of war cries.
One where all types of people will die

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
With lots of fire and guns.
One where all you can hear are
The traumatizing sounds of bullets being released.
And the blood curdling screams of people dying.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
That the government can't handle.
With bombs designed as food,
And no ruler is there to rule.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
To where when you step outside,
There's a 98% chance you can die.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
Where all you can see is blood,  
And corpses.
And all you can smell is the putrid scent of rotting flesh and dried up blood.

I'm brainstorming up a riot.
One that can't even compete with war.
One where peoples hearts are took over with hatred.
And the only thing on their mind,
Is death and ******.

You read it right.
I'm brainstorming up a riot.
And the funny thing is,
I don't even know why.
Just another psychotic thought.
 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
This Man
He told me I could fly
This Man
Said I wouldn't die

That Woman
She told me I could soar
That Woman
Said I wasn't more

The Son
He bawled out his eyes
The Son
Said he always cries

The Baby
He always wails
The Baby
Said 'Keep me from these tales'

The Daughter
She bled at her arms
The Daughter
Said 'Keep me from these harms'

The Daughter
She tied a rope around her neck
The Daughter
Said 'I am a wreck'

I kicked the chair
And I swung in the air.
You can't be limitless

But, this world wants you

To be one

Break chains this is what we hear

One way you escape for a period of time

And then you are bound to another chain

Every action triggers a chain of events

You will be hit either way

There is no escape

There is no hide out

One or other way you are dragged

Just be on the safe hill
Dead cities
Living souls
Gates keep within
As much as without
 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
The rain knows
when my heart
feels heavy...
 Dec 2019 Sue Collins
Erik Luo
Reality is a circle
It is infinitely long
and always round
Ending where it begins

We are all running on it
Towards what we think
as the direction of faith
But ends up meeting our own selves
in the direction we oppose

The circle is a being
Full of tricks and games
And as we walk down to rest
We are trapped inside

Until we run so far
That we see our selves
Weeping or dying
On the street

And what’s real
Might become fake
Might become a dream

Like a circle
Ending where it begins
Until we pushed so hard
That we fall under it
And become
A mirror
Of a reality
Which the circle lives
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