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There will be protests
lies, truth, and repudiations,
the situation's beyond our

but we're fooling no one
because no one's listening
there'll be no one watching
as we hit the switch.

They can't conscript me
because I'm elderly
I'm in hiding
and they're on a hiding
to nothing.
 Jan 2020 Sue Collins
Sarah L
Where is yesterday?
He is young, he is small, he wishes the world had more secrets
so the world supplies them all.

When is tomorrow?
He continues; I stifle laughter through smiles as I haven’t answered his first question,
yet he has already paraded forward.

How big is the sky?
I tell him it’s infinite, that it’s as deeply blue as the sea is deep,
and that, any day of the week, he could wish to soar through it-...

Can I make my wishes come true?
I pause, for I want to say yes, want to see his eyes light up like fireworks, want to feel his joy,
but for this, I must say no.

… Can you answer all of my questions?
He is curious, careful, cautiously dancing around the idea that I don’t know it all;
I eventually find my way to say, “No, but one day you will answer them all."
A re-post from my old teen-ink account.
When I think back on all the times that were
—and weren’t

My mind rewrites the answers to the questions
—never asked

To set the time that’s left on fire
—in joyful hope

To rhyme the final ending line
—with one last wish

(Bryn Mawr College: January, 2020)
 Jan 2020 Sue Collins
Alone one time,

I sat for a drink with night

And we talked in silence.

I was kissed by moonlight until dawn.

The wine remain untouched.

And yet i went to sleep drunk.
Have I reached the resonating point of my existence?
For the downward trail I feel incoming
Slowly pierces through this pink thing-
that keeps me alive yet insane.
Be the guest that I unwelcome
Hammering down the bricks surrounding
The same wires that hang around my neck,
slowly snapping it-
one tug at a time.
 Jan 2020 Sue Collins
He holds a quiver of bright silver
Champion of art
Chariot of the sun
His light warms me
Brings inspiration to my mind
His unwavering support in all things good
Great healer
Bringer of sweet gentle demise
He slings his arrows
Straight into my mind
Wonderful warmth he brings
Melting my stiff heart
Letting its aches and pains fall
Onto paper to turn into beauty
A poem for Apollo
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