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 Jul 2020 RM
 Jul 2020 RM
She named me "Joy" so I can bring happiness to her

But I turned out to be the black sheep of the family.

I never wanted to be the reason for her sorrows and cries

But I couldn't even make her smile for once.
 Jul 2020 RM
John Destalo
smoke then ashes
what is left behind

after I disappear
memories are made

of soft putty
meant to be

manufactured by
our minds

we are all sculptors
or perhaps

magicians or
better yet

trying to mold

the past with
a future

into something
we can live with

at least for a moment
 Jul 2020 RM
lydia orr
 Jul 2020 RM
lydia orr
I was suicidal when I was 9.
Open cute little journal
“I hate myself”
Pages 1, 2, 20.

It’s supposed to be hard to care about other people,
Not yourself.

11 when I felt nothing
12 when I asked pain for a visit.
Just one minute of feeling,

I connect too deeply with my blood.
That’s why we’re best friends.

Or, maybe, I don’t connect deeply enough with her.
With that warm fluid pulsating the individual dance
Of my
And only my
 Aug 2019 RM
Leo Janowick
 Aug 2019 RM
Leo Janowick
If a writer
Falls in love with you
       you can never

— The End —