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she asked for
a birthday calendar
simplistic in design
quite endearing
to collate
each and every
important date
mark them down
in her neatest
clearest handwriting
she thought that
if she hung it
in pride of place
on the wall
by the kitchen door
her eye would
be drawn to it
each time
she left the room
she would not
forget to send
the appropriate message
of congratulations
and many happy returns
when needed
     or expected;
the calendar may
be showing
the correct month
it has remained
on that page
     ignored or
for the past
eleven months
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Solaris Lanayru
Don't listen to that voice
The one within your mind
That tells you everything is going to be okay

Because it's not

You know it's not

You struggle every day and every night
Always tired of this fight
It draws you in and lures you too far
Then you're trapped and there's no going back
So why bother?

Why bother?
Why care?
It's not like anyone is there
To hear you cry out for help
Or to see you reach out desperately

So you sit there and you cry

Until the one you truly love comes along
To pull you back from the depths of the hell within your head
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Eshwara Prasad
Silence is a prayer.
Everything is expensive
and yet
life seems to be cheap,

we're paying through our noses
I do not mean for *******,
just saw my rent account
its gone up again,

balanced on a tightrope
there are some I know won't cope
those that drop through the net
don't get,
and those who stay afloat
can only keep on treading water
but we all know that there is
little hope,

you may as well
pack your kit and join the shitshow
the circus is back in town.
if there was only happiness how great the world would be
we could could live in peace in perfect harmony
we could live as one no fighting or a war
violence it would cease no violence any more

it would be so nice if it could be this way
no sadness anymore be happy every day
living all together in peace and harmony
in world of happiness one big family
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
Glenn Currier
Slow and easy the old cells flake off
unnoticed as my body replaces itself
over time
not bound by one tiny galaxy
or even millennia
your pace is in my every step
shake of my hand
or moment
when one eyelash meets then leaves the other.
You are in the silent pop of synapses
emergent in an idea
in my chest swelling and tingling
with a notion learned between the lines of a novel
in the words of a wise old nun
in the feel of my body in my lover
the scent of her hair
the shake of  my chest
laughing at her hilarious joke
but especially when I shut my mouth
bear with the silence for a while
and listen to the peaceful
voice that speaks only in quiet
only when I can empty the chatter
and effervescence in my mind.
Hello everyone at HP,

Starting this month, we hope to bring something new to Hello Poetry: a spotlight on our fellow poets here in this community.

Each month we will highlight one poet by posting an interview with them complete with a little background, how long they have been writing, what inspires them, etc. We will also highlight a few of their best or favorite poems (with a link to each one).

If you have any thoughts or questions you would like us to include in these interviews or would like to participate, please feel free to let us know via the comments section or direct messaging.

We hope this will be well received and provide a way of getting to know one another better.

Thank you,
Mr. & Mrs. Timetable

It is an emotion
Sung upon the winds
Youthful songs of spring

Vivacious emeralds
Colours of the shade, Jade
Fields of verdant green

Mother earth bestows
Upon us her finest hues
Let’s embrace in gratitude

Reverently we circumambulate
The Holika, seeking felicity
Quelling the evil and granting peace

Imbued with the crimson
Under the blue skies of eternity
May the festival bring mirth
And lasting harmony
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
he said
 Mar 2023 Eloisa
he said,
what if we have
cannot be described in words?
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