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  Jan 2019 Breanna evans
Josh G
We are often seeking recognition
Some, more than others, crave it
Like an addict itching for their next dose

We do everything to achieve that feeling
Rewiring our individuality to follow social norms
All for the slightest boost of self esteem

But this addiction of ours is a curse
Its veil hides you from your real self
Locking it up in a cage for none to see

But you know it's there hiding in the dark
You're too afraid to bring it to light
For your fear of  loneliness keeps it silenced
  Jan 2019 Breanna evans
Your breath stinks
You drop hair on my sheets

You roll in mud
It’s never enough

Your claws are strong
You bruise my skin


Your love is deep
Your heart is free

When we’re together
You only see me

Your eyes are intense
Your cuddles are true

I could’ve called you Shadow
But my Ted will do
Breanna evans Jan 2019
a year of training and I'm still unable

to lift these sandbags from my eye curtains
at 6', 179 lbs (19% body fat) I can hold my own, but I still find myself losing the battle against fatigue, especially on mornings when I decide to fast.
Breanna evans Jan 2019
she looked a bit smothered

in her ranch dressing
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