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Feb 11 · 29
Charlie Don't surf.
Possum living Feb 11
Peace is every step, and so is it's opposite
The boys who said no and the ones who couldn't
The hippy freaks and diggers
I have a dream
The angel faced killers shooting each other in the mire
I hate the smell of ****** in the morning
ARVN, VC, NVA, USMC, These acronyms that
Sanitize the unspeakable death that permeates this place
For what? Every time we say never again, what'd ya learn?
A generation of broken hearts, marred forever.
Nov 2021 · 389
New Guy
Possum living Nov 2021

Try too hard, I understand

Take a step back, kid.
It ain't easy bein' green.
Nov 2021 · 159
The grind
Possum living Nov 2021
Here I am today

I'd rather be somewhere else

Coffee breath, *******
Nov 2021 · 196
Possum living Nov 2021
Jolly Roger flag

Fat boy, but don't tell me ****

Nails on a chalkboard
Nov 2021 · 208
Big mind
Possum living Nov 2021
Big mind, open mind, beginner's mind,

Do you MIND!?

Y(our) stance, y(our) opinion, y(our) ideologies are worthless.

Y(our) hate, y(our) judgment, y(our) dogma is worthless.
Normalize shutting the **** up.
Feb 2021 · 412
Off the rails
Possum living Feb 2021
Archaic comfots

Onward to antiquity

Acts of simplicity to heal the mind

Write the letter, read the book, cut the cord

Revelation of silence for a brain rubbed raw

From drowning in an ocean of trivial madness, to reclaiming our birthright of peace

It is not just good, it is absolutely indispensable
Jan 2021 · 291
Just sitting.
Possum living Jan 2021
What is Zen?
As it relates to me, you, us, now.
Carving out the right to exist.

Nowhere else to be.
Nothing else to do.
Dedication to nothingness.

Eihei suggested you and I sit down.
Stepping on that edge of restless wandering.
I think I'll keep doing it.
May 2020 · 183
Big Love
Possum living May 2020
Cooler than cool, larger than life.

Too freaked out for the squares, too square for the freaks.

White panther wisdom.  

What it means to be a father and a man.

We always knew, big boy day.

Boundless memories since the beginning of time.

Lucky monkey, Pair-O-dice.

We here now.

Round peg, square hole, benevolent giant.

Kick out the jams *******!
Oct 2019 · 202
Possum living Oct 2019
These are days I am fed inspiration by every fractal of light that passes through the field

Everywhere my eyes fell there was life

This corridor between lanes of madness and ineptitude

Natural tranquillity creeping back in on the margins, wherever a berth is given

Gnarled cypress, veteran, relic of time before the decimation

A ****** of crows is not burdened by the thinking mind

They disappear into her embrace because they were born knowing what to do
A poem about a bike ride with my little girl.
Apr 2019 · 207
Possum living Apr 2019
The light is pouring in, and it is a blurred line between hope and fear.
A fissure in this casing grows into a crack, and then it all lets loose.
Like waking up in fog, the light burns it away.
This separateness is a killer, severing my connection to God, and all
of the loss that entails.
But now instead of seeking solace in a chemical illusion, I can look  
within and just watch it go.
This is what you wanted.
An open heart, a willingness to learn acceptance.
Feb 2019 · 411
Possum living Feb 2019
Often I feel trapped in worlds opposed to each other

In one, I am a cog in this insidious machine, always painfully aware of my complicity in the assault on the only Earth

But in the other, I am free from the toils of man

I am a Bodhisattva in loving service to our mother in her time of need, vowing to save every last one of her children

Where will I turn today?
Jan 2019 · 392
Hungry ghosts
Possum living Jan 2019
Privacy is a relic
Living vicariously through a piece of blue glass
Shameless exhibitionism, our every move, thought, opinion, judgement, like, and dislike screamed into the void
Demanding validation
While the algorithms tell us what to think, buy and feel we shun reality more every day
Cognitive incarceration
Wake up!
What comes of all this is a chronic dissatisfaction, always begging for more
Hungry ghosts, we will never be satisfied
Nov 2018 · 256
One breath at a time
Possum living Nov 2018
I forget quickly

The foxhole prayers

The never agains

The visceral poisoning

I need to remember
Nov 2018 · 217
Possum living Nov 2018
Our thoughts and words and concepts and opinions turn to dust
Your future is a hallucination
Your past a phantom hologram at best
You yourself are an illusion



Oct 2018 · 1.7k
May all beings be free
Possum living Oct 2018
I am sorry for what we have done to you
I mourn the loss of your short lives, nullified for our barbaric arrogance and gluttony
Your children taken to meet the same fate as you
Your bodies eviscerated, never knowing the hand of compassion or a ray of sunshine

There are no merciful abattoirs

No red barn with it's open doors, and no motherly blue sky

There is only brutal indifference

Mechanized slaughter

The lies we tell our children and ourselves will breed this hell on earth into our legacy
And we who see ourselves distinct from beasts prove with our actions otherwise

This is not food

This is war on the sanctity of being
This is not a fanatical demand for universal vegetarianism. It is just a poem decrying the modern industrial practices of factory farming and the way the animals suffer in this system.
Oct 2018 · 1.1k
Dawn chorus
Possum living Oct 2018
With the first glow warming your trees, I hear your voices.

Calling out to any who would listen, staking your claims.

This is mine, for now.

Your reign is ephemeral by nature, but that could never stop me from loving you.

Not to net or grasp, but to admire your beauty without custody.

Your songs are my bells of mindfulness.

I welcome you with all of my heart, and hope to hear you again.
Oct 2018 · 642
Kalyana Mitta
Possum living Oct 2018
Coming into this world with nothing, save for the benefactors who receive us

Slowly multiplying in an amalgamation of felt experience and ancient conditioning

Do we know the proliferation of thought?

A gradual awakening unfolds, with no beginning or end
Oct 2018 · 1.5k
The path
Possum living Oct 2018
Bowing deeply, invited by the sound of a distant bell.

Sitting with the masters, or staring at the wall.

This silent illumination reveals equanimity in bedlam.

What is this?

It is not perfect, but we are in the business of efforts.

Softening the shell of our perceptions.
Oct 2018 · 3.0k
Possum living Oct 2018
We begin with ourselves, a lofty proposition

Shifting this intention to the loves we have known, those who’ve shown us the way

We pass through gates of uncertainty and benevolence, arriving to meet the ones cast from our heart

Now sharing with all who surround us, and in the end all sentient beings in existence

With a fierce heart, your ever well-wishers

May you know boundless love

May you find relief of your burdens

May you break the chains
Oct 2018 · 574
Cathartes Aura
Possum living Oct 2018
She seeks the thermal column.
Spiraling upward, realizing a panorama of her domain.
Perfect paradox, the effortless grace of flight and the harbinger of death.
She subsists on the rot of nature, continuation of the life cycle.
Untouchable of the firmament.
Oct 2018 · 1.5k
Possum living Oct 2018
To one, a noxious ****, but to her the building block of civilization.

Her children would starve before trying another.

Eradicated by heedless consumption.

Their future is uncertain, but we can help them along.

One patch at a time.

— The End —