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 Aug 2018 Mariama
Michael Briefs
S       I found myself on a sheer rock face of desperate desire.
H      Holding on to her presence, in the danger of my devotion.
E       But I lost my grip. I missed a step
and my heart skipped a beat.
E       Then she was gone...
R      And I was loose! Plunging, caught by a force of nature.
R      White noise filled my ears and dread filled my heart.
O      In a primal panic, a terrible cry shattered the blackened sky.
C      Her face faded away and I was left reaching for a line --
K      Trying to avoid the rocks below.
F       I tried to find some way back up the mountain.
A      I clutched for the breath in my lungs,
C      The breath that was there before I fell;
E       That moment skipped over,
F       When I lost my grip and you were gone.
A      I carry the pain inside, searching for release.
L       But life goes on and on, day by day.
L       Outside, I am quiet, I hold a steady gaze.
L       But inside, the scars grind like metal on metal,
O      Between a rock and a hard place,
V      Until the edge within becomes razor cold.
E       Like a steely blade inside a silken sheath,
H      The knife buried beneath, poised to draw blood,
O      When the balance is tipped, the pressure too much.
P       Will I crash on jagged agony below or will I let go the dagger,
E       To reclaim the climb? To reach again and find her face, aloft...
Yup, this was the big one. The all-time heart break of my life, circa 1986. Just obliterated, shattered, vaporized me. I am still trying to find my way back up.
 Aug 2018 Mariama
Misty Meadows
My aggression is small like an
Empty balloon,
But with too much tension,
It could fill this **** room.

I can cause you discomfort
If I choose to.

I'll ruin your life
If I pursue you.

There's no boundaries for me
Once I seek what I seek.

No surroundings of peace
Once you come challenge me.

I'll be an amazing friend,
If you let me.
But an even better enemy
Once you offend me.

Please don't test me or play,
'Cause I'm the best at games.
Bring a friend to the Heavens,
But a foe to the flames.
 Aug 2018 Mariama
It's mwe
why do i keep questioning
thorough the shadow and the hollow

are we talking about the orbs?
the nocturnal things in the welkin?
the radiance we see in the night while we're looking up?
what are all these about?

don't stare at me
don't you dare narrowed your eyes at me
these are pensioners
after those briers and numbers;
of prickly snatching shrubs upon the wanderers
(belly laugh)

the shore laps
and that river banks
were once grilling to burst the blue,
to make me sue
as the sandpiper repursue
to eat the crumbs of Swiss cheese fondue
May 06 2018

— The End —