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Dec 2018 · 225
Met you in a dream
Ubik Dec 2018
Met you in a dream, I know I’ve seen you somewhere before. Probably when I was lost in my head. So, I guess it’s ironic to meet you back there. Never got a chance to introduce myself. Stuck in a corner waiting for your gaze to meet mine. I think it did. But the “think” is the problem. I don’t know what it is but I’m pretty sure your more beautiful in reality than in imagination. Strange. Some things are just beyond fantasies. Who would of thought. I think that’s why you linger. I wish I wasn’t so pathetic that my first chance to introduce myself was in a dream. Yet, here we are. When locked in your imagination it’s weird how colours merge together to fabricate skyscrapers of fluorescent lights and how vision circles into itself to form absurd dialogues, and you’re still the only thing that catches my gaze. You held my time and it slipped through your fingers. People would say it’s sad to find love in a dream. But I’d say to those people they’ve never met you. Maybe one day I actually will…..
falling in love in a dream
Ubik Oct 2018
Do I come across too strong?
Its just when that smile rides astride me.
You bare hand layed upon my chest.
Wrapped in my arms.
Holding on like I know something.
Is this the way to be loved.
Laughter is all I can hear.
Or mabye its all I want to hear.
I sometimes believe in destiny when Im next to you.
But when I dont hear a word.
I realise fairytales dont exist.
A Cold response.
To throw me back into reality
I cant see infront of me.
As I tripped over your deaf ears.
So I stare out the window not caring.
Too feel something
What's going on
Oct 2018 · 259
Room for one more?
Ubik Oct 2018
Left on the street.
Carassed in each others arms.
Is it bad that I want to joins you's
The rain sidewalk past.
No discomfort could intrude.
As moments like these..
As it's everything we want.
But can never have.
Tripped over by our own security.
Judgement leaves us homeless.
To the moments shared.
With the ones..
Who make us laugh.
When the sun doesnt shine.
They look warm.
Tucked in their own world.
So is their, room for one more?
As each day is lived.
When you've got someone to love.
So can I snuggle in.
And pretend.
Sep 2018 · 387
Missed Opportunity
Ubik Sep 2018
Truth gets caught in your throat.
Be careful not to choke.
Out of breath.
Heartbeats echo through my body.
Her eyes tangle above me.
She bites her lips.
****, they look so sweet
I need to know what I want.
Stop staring idly.
Waiting for the moment to be in sight.
The world ain't that bright.
Thoughts scrabbled in my head.
What if?
I touched her by the cheek.
Stroked her by the hair.
And layed a kiss upon her feet.
I guess I'll never know....
Indecisive as ****
Jun 2018 · 653
Dreams of the ocean
Ubik Jun 2018
Conversation begins to rise with the giggles. The irony of life is too common not to laugh. A mixture of colours scatter across the sky. Blending into one to see the cosmic eye. Rays of fluorescent light ripple across my vision. Tunes dance around us with there flowery melodies, hypnotising our moods. The sand sinks into the soles of my feet. As we move closer to the roaring ocean, demanding to be touched. Our bodies gently press upon the water. It streams up our legs leaving a chill. We walk across the shore discussing the politics of meaning, reality begins to dissolve.
Are humans the most intelligent species in the world?
I cant help to disagree, we're sharks looking for our next prey. The weakest waiting to be enslaved by our arrogance.
But you insist in our advance technology that surpasses any other species known.
If we're so intelligent however, then why do we massacre each others dreams constantly. Dead bodies thrown in ditches with our forgotten hopes. Is it smart to be consumed by an ego and place yourself in top of the food chain. What are we missing?
We reach the end of the shore and  draw a breath of fresh air to fill our lungs.
The waves cease to move and the ocean extends beyond sight.
The sun stretches across the horizon and showers us with warmth.
Taking 2cb at the beach
Jun 2018 · 455
Ubik Jun 2018
Pre-conceptions of me dont go away. Sympathy faded in the mist. Emotions anchored down in the abyss. Its hard to have faith in ones own beauty when I cant see. Especially when communication is riddiculed by paranoia. "why would they want to talk to me". "They think Im a freak and I deserve it". Irony, thrown into a ditch by myself. A chamber of cynical reflecion where I cant move. So, to deafen the hounds in my head. I use my hatred as a tool to suppress others protential. I make them disgusted with their own image. An excuse to project my flaws onto someone else. And feed the illusion that Im gods *******. Keep that ego intact so I dont need to look at myself. And realise that mabye Im a bit of a *****... However, I still have faith in something beyond myself.
Love still leaves me exposed to natures soothing melody. Blends reality and dreams together to manifest paradise. Noone a stranger to its bilengual call. Everyone showered in its waterfall.
Thats why when I dance I long for it to be with others. Because If I'm alone is it real? That is why experience is meant to be shared. If noone is there, did it really happen?
exploring the aspects of disconnection, hatred and love.
Jun 2018 · 284
A stranger to me
Ubik Jun 2018
See you in a familiar place. But your face doesn't look the same, did you change your taste? I remember you as the innocent girl caressed in my arms. Naive to the troubles of the world. I walk towards you and we exchange in conversation that can only be described as deafening. The tension shrieking to be cut. A feeble attempt by me to cease discomfort. I ask "how are you?". You reply with cold words which only seems to capture the essence of how seasons change. You know I was always awkward to be around. That single question used to generate a rally of conversation. Back and forth naturally like the tide sweeping the beach then dispersing back into the ocean. Us always present in the moment we shared. I know our relationship failed, but does that mean the memory needs to be buried in ****? Now it seems I just cant hit the same mark, the bulls eye that would make you open up. Failing to capture that dream when we lived in a daze. Confused about how time could possibly pass by? So help me understand how did those dazzling eyes become a stranger to mine? I mumble, my tongue caught in my throat. You don't seem to care, so why do I? I walk away wondering who you are.
not recognising the one you once loved

— The End —