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"---I think...
        that every deep thinker is
            more afraid of being understood
                      than of being misunderstood.---"
It's funny really, How reality can seem fa k  e,
How Nothing ever is what it se e  m     s.
How the most broken ma s   k     s,
Can still hide a l l o f t h e d e t a i l s ,
In the picture.

And yet, They never knew they were looking at the wrong picture to began with.

Now picture this-
In the End, It will all fit together.
Blade in my hand.
Eyes on you.
Feet planted on the ground.

You come running at me.
Not knowing what's about to happen.
Then suddenly blood spatters.

My hand's on your shoulder.
The blade in your torso.
As your white shirt turns red.

I tell you I'll take it out.
That it was only an accident.
But instead, I twist.

And watch your pretty little self
Fall to the ground.
Writhing in pain.

What's scary is that I don't feel anything.
Not pain, not guilt, not fear, nothing.
Hell, I barely even care.

I laugh at your cries for help.
I've killed you, now.
Twisted the knife and watched as you fell.
What can I say? I'm crazy.

Chaos can be controlled.
Calm cannot.
So, the calm before the chaos
Is scarier than the chaos.

I know it's 'the calm before the catastrophe', but this just sounded better, so..... :)
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