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414 · Dec 2017
Alessandra Dec 2017
and my heart,
I swear to you,
it was floating.

my entire body
was feeling suspended
as you kept the strings of my soul,
moving them, rotating them

with that gentleness
and sweetness.
You kept my heart
in your soft, cold hands

just like a flower
when it falls into the flowing water
of a wild stream;
it remains afloat

and water carries it
gently, softly,
treats it as it needs to be treated,
as if it knew that flowers
are such delicate beings.

You knew, love,
how delicate I was,
for you kept me,
being careful not to flatten me.

And slowly,
you healed me,
you tore off my scars,
my broken petals

and you made me live
274 · Nov 2017
Alessandra Nov 2017
I have always been a storm,
dark and strong and deep
and intense
brief but overwhelming
destroying the peaceful quietness
of a bright star
lightning up the world.

I turned the sun into
a crown of grayness
until you came to me,
gentle like the wind of spring
soft like the sweet,
calm, sea breeze

And my heart,
fluttering and dancing,
found that magic, romantic summer
that the storm had darkened,
burying the light of my eyes.

I have never been a calm blue sea,
but the waves inside my chest
started moving with a different
kind of glory,
trying to resemble to you.

That’s how the universe moves, my love,
that’s how I get to look up at the sky.
I think of you,
I dream of you,
I write of you,
and I can’t do anything, sweetheart,
but love you.

— The End —