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Can you really trust me
Within this old dead skin
Crow-eyed and wrinkled
Hair graying thin

Moving forward
Ever nearing
The wickedness
  Of that bitter end...

Is it casual or systematic
When age becomes a sin?
Traveler Tim
Ageism is an American thing?
My love for you is far beyond
the love that I have shown.
Its otherworldly, unexpected,
and when I die you will finally see
the all of it in many things.  
It will be with you, flourishing
in your everyday existence,
in little ways, in music, in flowers,
in sunsets,  in a wind chime,
in the sunshine,  in suffering,
in visions, in visits from the local ghosts
and Christ who knows your name,  
he'll never let you down,
through him you'll hear my voice,  
I will be with you in all of these things
and you will know my love in
a hundred ways.
Little interests come and go as fleeting as a Sunday,
time spent polishing stones when no one really cares.
A lifetime of measuring time, too little or too much
like a drug dependency that’s never quite right.
Too much and we panic, turn psychotic, too little and
our shelves get littered with knick-knacks.
In between we're in lines, create lists and  other “to-do’s”
while standing in said lines. The herding effect makes us
feel small and unimportant like 1 of a 1000 in 5 box cars
of gypsies and Jews taken east on parallel rails.
When the present fades away our todays will be haunted
by yesterdays longings too late, and in the end
the darkness will be upon us  darker than night,
darker than black.
Thirty years ago
in New Mexico.
It’s wintertime.
The phone booth glass
is cool and wet against
my forehead,

hand to breast
******* the scented
swatch you gave me,
lace fringed lavender,

Like all that is
perfect in the world,
every inhalation
a burst of euphoria
played out across
the inside of my eyelids,

I see the sun in
your hair through
half closed drapes,
skin as soft as your breath,
ecstasy in your eyes,
the fragileness of your being
pale and pink,
ruffled frills in shafts of
broken light


Don’t hang up, please..

I’m begging you

A car honks, the wind blows.
I wipe a sniffle away with
your scent,
now every breath
I take is you.

Are you there?

I can hear you breathing..


I draw a heart on the glass
and then self-consciously
wipe it away


a sigh

and you speak

You hurt me

I know, I’m sorry
  I didn’t want it
to turn out that way
I was afraid
and now I can’t stop thinking about you.

  Fringe of lace
against my nose
eyes closed

Don’t call here anymore
Don’t ever call here anymore



A voice on the line says

Sir your party has hung up..


I know…. I know…

I hang up the phone

I pull my collar up
around my ears
and step into the night

A little piece of you goes
with me in my pocket

I wonder will
the scent last forever.
driving sixty down an unlit dirt road
crying and dreaming of hitting a telephone pole
seeing a rope holding a small boat quite loose
using that rope to tie a tight new noose
cutting onions and bursting into tears
putting arsenic in all my beers
overanalyzing everything I said
turning the bathtub to a dark red
sitting scrubbing my feet
cleaning my head
laying in bed

waiting for death
but I can't do it
A bluebirds chirpy song shakes off the morning's dew
a flap of its wings and into the fresh air,
she adds a drop of blue

soaring high up above the clouds
as the sun slides behind the glistening orange sea
and the moon wakes up from its sunset-bathed sleep
she tilts her head to the sky to see the stars twinkle into to life
she flys to touch them
but bluebirds aren't unlaced
the sky's the limit
but the stars are in space
over and under there is no escape
everything living is tied to this place

the earth is a zoo
exhibit one is the jungle
welcome visitors from space
please don't be afraid
the creatures of the earth are locked tight in their cage
the thick stained glass windows of the sky
safely seclude this planetary base

ants crawl
bluebirds fly
gazelles roam
and little boys cry
visitors are yet to come to the zoo
but are we the keepers or caged animals too
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