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The candle
cannot burn eternal
the flame
will surely
flicker out
and no one
who comes after
will ever know
or care
what it was all about.
My life was spoiled by emotional despots,
terrible tyrants who created
or contributed to
the timid introverted temperament
that I present to you.
The silent light
circles the
dark blue
clouded night
sweeping gently
across the buildings
that bulge and burst
up from
this concrete kingdom
as they scrape the sky
searching for some
tower of Babylon
kind of meaning.
Anger is not a
sustainable source of fuel.
It is far too combustible,
and dangerously volatile.
It will either burnout
or blowup in your face.
In emotional agony
one or many more times
I melted my own flesh,
pressed glowing orange thin
lit cigarette tips down on my skin
to prove I was
strong enough
to bare the pain,
but ended up
really proving
how weak I was.
Outer dermis mutilated.
Hot ashes flicked away
after the self-inflicted pain game
and adding to this strangeness is
that I didn’t even smoke cigarettes.
Female, male, Homosexual,
Genderqueer, Pansexual,
Transgender, Bisexual,
there is wonder in
the fluctuations
of identity’s observations.
Hunger swelling
desire blooming
then in a sated state
no longer needing
****** fulfilling.
A curiosity
how such complexities
reveal humanity’s variety.
Not to be feared or hated
but celebrated and elevated
for the chance to see
something different from you and me
cause life is boring
without the beauty of novelty.
It is a dream of colors
working in the real world
while I walk to work.

I look in to the water
and see a cool pool
of aquatic colors
clear to blue
and whatever
tint or hue
that swims or sinks
into my view
or merely lies underneath
this wet sheet.

I walk along the sidewalk
seeing cement gray,
wooden brown,
and grassy green,
falling behind me.

Red brick buildings,
and one poor onyx
colored car
with a black tape bandage
to match the
paint job.

One pale poetic friend,
and one brown skinned
friendly stranger.

One cloudless sky,
then turning to
the darker night hue.

And journey’s end
find me soaking in
rain water
that becomes
a reflecting pool
of everything
I am looking at.
The whispers of early morning
carry the love of my heart,
upon the soft breeze of dawn
to my one and only sweetheart.
                    In the sky of shadowed blue
                      through the white clouds above,
                         my soul sings out to you
                           in a melody of sweet love.
In the warmth of the sun
when its rays are high and bright,
my heart sings out to you
through the beauty of love and light.
                     In the sky of painted colors
                as the sun sets in rose and gold,
             my love sings out to you
         of a song forever told.
As the moon glows in the night sky
and the stars twinkle bright,
I sing my love to you
as a whisper through the night.
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