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May 2019 · 242
Laura May 2019
He shivered. She had a wart on her just too long nose, a budding zit on her chin. You could just see it waiting to pop. Hair gray and charcoal, smeared in a greasy way.
Happily, he saw his mom.

The Marylin Monroe-mask was a frightening joke.
Jan 2019 · 172
Laura Jan 2019
Tick tock
I ate the clock
Or not

I drank
The wine from the grapes
The grapes the same mouse
That ate my watch's wristband

The cat ate the mouse
The same cat that swallowed
And after eating

Puked up
My shoelaces, again.
Maybe I can forgive
The lack of laces

The eating of grapes
But the hiccups I
Endure after drinking
Never fail to give me

A headache
Nov 2017 · 228
Laura Nov 2017
I saw you this morning
And did not know you
I felt you this morning
But who are you?

Trust, love, faith
Those are your names
Care, cherish, support
Those are your names

A dream
Early morning
Yet conscious

You left an impression
Of feelings I did not know
Yet having never felt them
I now know they are real

Maybe you are out there
Maybe you are not
Now at least I know
Those feelings, that trust

That love, that faith
In one another
Can be real
And I have settled for less

I may have settled in my settling
But now I know
And will never forget
You and what may be
Oct 2017 · 778
Laura Oct 2017
No matter how tough
I may seem
No matter how loved
I may be

No matter how much
I tried and may still
Seem to try

After this last,
This final betrayal
I cannot but give in
Give up

I give up trying
To be better
Better than I can
Be better than I am

I can give up
But will never give
Up caring

I will give up
Fabricating lies
To please, to accomodate
People I do not seem to know

I will give up
Fabricating a life
To placate, to appease
People who do not seem to care

I will start
Realising a dream
To create, to build
A person that is worthy

I will be
Trying a new way
To live, to give
A person to myself

For I am, so I learn
No more hiding
Laura Aug 2017
Sometimes when I'm sad
And unspeakably lonely
I imagine who I used to be
Me and someone known to me only

Sometimes when I'm sad
And so very very lonely
I imagine a person there for me
For me and my children only

Someone who cares
Who is not afraid to give
Love, attention and thought
To those who are not his

Someone who cares
Even though they don't have to
About me, them
And what we are up to

Some days when I'm sad
And so very alone
Are the happiest days
I have ever known

Some days when I'm sad
I can get only sadder
Because those happy sad days
Are not made of matter
Jul 2017 · 4.0k
Alliteration anxiety
Laura Jul 2017
Twisting tendrils of realization
Run through my evermoving mind

Up unto the age of eighteen
I abhorred alliteration

The seemingly simple
Style showed, I thought

An easy way of writing

Just finding fitting words
With meanings matching.

Untill I read The Raven
Poe penned what is

I think, the epitome
Of epic poems

All while writing, in a weirdly
Woven way

A story of love lost
Of wishing gone awry

So since then I sometimes
Try to match "my" master

And in writing wishes
With no reasonable rhyme

I uncover my understanding
Of my own simplistic stupidity

But beside that also, always,
Of how beautiful a language loved
Can be.
Maybe a tad over the top;-)
Jul 2017 · 470
Rich beggar
Laura Jul 2017
When I was 17
The biggest
Thing I ever did was
Love you

When I was 22
The most heartfelt
Thing I ever did was
Kiss you

Never were you mine

When I was 25
The hardest
Thing I ever did
Was cheat on you

When I was 29
The most beautiful
Thing I ever did
Was giving birth

Never was I with you

Now I am 33
And my life is full of
Things and people
I love and cherish

Beggars can't be choosers
But always wanting you
May be the most destructing
Thing I will ever do.
Jul 2017 · 250
Laura Jul 2017
I'd love to be
I'd work hard
To be

If only
If only I


One out of
Will do

To be me.
I'm sorry. I seem to have some kind of word-/why-/me-diarrhea. Can't help it. You wouldn't believe the websites I found searching for the correct spelling of diarrhea by the way. In Dutch it's simply diarree.
Still a weird word. For a weird thing. So.
Jul 2017 · 302
Laura Jul 2017
Someday, we said
Or used to say
Icy cold
Our hearts would be

To harden them
Against the world
And not be hurt
So easily

Well, you succeeded
Brother mine
Too bad my heart
Was the one

That while breaking
Gave you the truth
Of how cold
Your heart could be
Jul 2017 · 444
Books and me
Laura Jul 2017
Eye can taste
The musky dusky dark
Of a raven on a windowsill

Eye can smell the Witches
Brew, be it stirred or
Be it still

Eye can feel the pain
And sorrow of man
Trapped in shadowy cave

Eye can hear the cries
Of Homer's sirens on
Rocky shore and mystic wave

What you see is what you get
Never has there been
A cliche so obvious
And yet a truth so paperthin

— The End —