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Making her heart
Smile so bright
Kissing her under
The beautiful moonlight
Falling in love tonight.
A part of your life is always hidden behind the surface
That’s ok, the sun and moon aren’t always full and shining all the time
Sometimes your meant to be closed off….
 Aug 2021 Jackie Mead
S G Arndt
it is difficult to remain focused, during
Mornings like these.
a little sad, a little mad, during
Mornings like these.
memories come and go, blurry images, during
Mourning's like these.
Early in the morning,
Laying in bed,
light washing over me,
thoughts floating in my head.

Wondering what it’d be like,
Doubt seeps like morning glow.
What could I say to him?
What might he never know?

- Lost in Translation
 Aug 2021 Jackie Mead
You are a flower
Far too beautiful for me to pluck
I will come to your site everyday
Just to adore your sight
I'll leave you in your natural habitat
I cherish you
But I won't be selfish
I'll leave you for others to behold also
Utmostly, I want what's best for you
When you cherish something, don't destroy it in an attempt to make it yours!
 Aug 2021 Jackie Mead
Janna B
 Aug 2021 Jackie Mead
Janna B
Is there more to lose
or more to win
now that the feelings
are deepening?

New insecurity
negates surety.
Must take time to find
that light in me.
 Aug 2021 Jackie Mead
Janna B
When you saw me
in the whole of my world,
as mother, daughter,
I felt deeply vulnerable.

When I became a mother,
a role that I cherish,
my husband got me mixed up with his own,
never touched,
emotionally vacated.

The thing is -
I’m also a woman.
A live, vibrant, loving woman.
A tactile, ready to laugh,
always trying, independent, woman.
And you see me.
What a relief.
 Aug 2021 Jackie Mead
Janna B
What is this stress
making my belly churn
my skin’s itchiness,
my pulse race?

Could it be from
the financial separation,
kids, career,
general obligation?

New starter to train,
bookweek costume,
book balancing,
bithday cake?

Oh wait, I see—
I can do these things,
all of these things,
with a smile and a grin.

It’s you, ex man (child) of mine
looking lost
that unravels me
too easily.
Just that worry about what he could do if he gets bad again. Thank God for his mental health support.
Summer’s not done
but the oven plinks anyway
and the sizzle of potatoes
in too much fat rattles on
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