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Jackie Mead Nov 2020
My name is simply, Bee.
I am a honeybee and live in a colony, serving our most royal Queen Bee.
I am long in body, stripy black and gold in colour, a pair of transparent wings at my side.
I buzz around woodlands and meadows nearby, pollinating flora as I fly.
Producing lavender honey; lavender plants are found in abundance where I live.
Hovering, dipping inside, collecting the nectar before returning to the beehive.
I lay the nectar in a honeycomb, inside my beehive home.
Providing nourishment for the apiary, I am a remarkably busy honeybee.

Busy, Busy
Buzzing, buzzing, buzzing
Queen Bee, Worker Bee, Bumble bees, Honeybees.
Harvesting, pollinating, nesting.
Producing Wax and Honey.

Frog and I have many adventures together with our dear friend Mr. Mouse.
Mr. Mouse who has a house on the River Louse.
I hope one day soon you will read about our adventures in a book.
Penned by a dear human friend Jacqueline Mead, we hope you find it an exceedingly good read.
Jackie Mead Nov 2020
My mind is nimble
After ten kilometres
Body not so quick
Signed up to a 10K run only giving myself a week to train.
Did it though but paying today for it.
Still it feels **** good.
Jackie Mead Oct 2020
I wonder, what would it be like to be lost and alone?

To find myself in a foreign country, completely alone.

A frightened young child, unable to speak.
Acting uneasy, shy, embarrassed and meek.

Wishing for someone to become my friend.
Wishing this nightmare, l am caught up in, please, come to an end.

Not knowing what happened to my Mum and Dad.
Locking myself away, hiding my sad :(

I can't imagine how it would be.
If I lost my sister whilst crossing the big wide sea.

Apart from my family; No knowledge of their safety or demise.
Waiting for information from an adult considered sagely wise.

I imagine it would be horrible and the toughest of times.
And imagine this happening today, in peacetime.

This is happening every day, bombs being dropped on buildings and homes,  in cities far away.

Driving families to leave their homes and all they know.
Wearing down their shoes until all that is left is a very thin sole.

Walking over mountains, with all they possess in a small backpack.
Losing loved ones along the way but keeping going, staying on track.

Determined to find peace and a new homeland.
Make friends, play football, maybe join a brass band.

Its not much to ask when you are nine or ten
Just wanting a home, loving parents and maybe a best friend.
Reading a book today called The Boy at the back of the class by Onali, Q, Rauf.
I found it a heart warming read, aimed at children but you should definitely read it.  It is charming, funny and sad.  Written from a child of 9 ¾ perspective if what is right and what is wrong when a young boy is brought into school and told to sit at the back of the class.  All he needs is friends to start opening up about his troubles.
Jackie Mead Oct 2020
Hi, my name is Suzy the Squirrel.
And by nature,  I should be a  solitary soul.
However, I live in woodlands surrounding the River Louse
And one of my best friends is Mr. Mouse

I like to forage at the hour when the day turns to night.
When the Moon is in the sky and shining so bright.
I am kept company by another friend, the Owl.
Owl deters nearby predators by the use of his talons and howl.

I am rusty red in colour and with a large bushy tail.
Which I use like a broom when I am preparing my countrystore for a sale.
When I forage, I collect items discarded by humans.
When they visit the countryside, I sell the items back to them, it’s a simple case of re-distribution.

You can read me about me in the Tales of Mr. Mouse
Mr. Mouse who lives with his wife and eleven children in a small house.
A house that sits in the woodlands surrounding the River Louse.

Mr. Mouse has many friends, including me.
I am Suzy the Squirrel, and I live mainly alone in the sanctuary of my large Oak tree.
Jackie Mead Oct 2020
Dads grab hold of your heart
And never let go, even when you are apart

When they leave you to take their seat up above.
Its like they still hold you within their mighty glove.

No feelings can describe how bereft I still feel.
Like a mouse spinning in their playwheel

Feelings bubbling just surface deep
Then bam!
Back they come, consuming me.

I thought i was stronger than I am
When I think about my Dad, that special man.
My strength just breaks 💔
Feeling low today, my sister in law lost her dad and it brought back 4yrs ago x
Thank you for reading
Jackie Mead Sep 2020
At the end of a working day; To refresh my mind I walk and watch nature at play.

Water rippling, leaves rustling bring calm and tranquillity.
A balm to my mind and mobility.

A beautiful evening for a walk.
Listening to the sounds of the birds in the trees.
Puts my mind and body at ease.

Walking, watching children feeding  ducks on the pond.
To me is like a fairy waving her magic wand.

The end of September, we are lucky, still has some warmth at the end of the day.
No need for a coat as I catch the last of the days rays.
Early evening walking leaves my mind in a happy haze.
  Sep 2020 Jackie Mead
I learned
to plant the seeds
of happiness.
There are flowers
where the scars
used to be.

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