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Just be pleasant
Always show your gratitude
Count your blessings
That is the right attitude
Consider yourself fortunate
As you live your life day to day
Accentuate the positive
In every way
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
two parts fiction
three parts dream
thread from a cloud
tear from the sea
a love affair
of sweat and lust
bent over
with hips high
and head low
hard thrusts
and muffled moans
bite marks
as kisses trail
with tounge twisted
between thighs
of your soft heaven
and the sinful scent
of blood
and cream
left on my
dripping fingertips
from your moist fold
that your lips devour
and swallow down
no hesitation
as heads
and hands
and limbs
mix into something
of pain and bliss
we lose ourselves
on the edge
of ecstasy
and thunderstorms
of electricity
and tumble back
and crash through
two parts fiction
and three parts dream
and we become
a thread
stiched through
a tear
of a love affair
at the bottom
of a forgotten sea
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
I see the darkness in the world
and stare into the corners of its ugly truths
and witness the obscenely criminal neglect
of our own humanity
I hear the silent echoes escaping the abyss
from the pleas of the lost and the lonely and the desperate
and I recognize my own voice among them

I feel the fear of love being lost and thrown away and ignored

And I hurt and I weep and I worry

But I do not turn away
not from the darkness
or the ugly truths
or the criminal neglect

I break the silence and scream
to the lost
and the lonely
and the desperate

And I reach my hand to love
for I will not let it get lost
or be thrown away
or ignored
and i will not let it die in fear

For without love
the world would be swallowed by darkness
consumed by its ugly truths
crumble from its own neglect

but with love
we can survive the darkness
sink to the bottom
and rise back out of the abyss
help the lost and the lonely
and the desperate and our selves

and we can hurt for love
and we can weep for love
and have no need to worry
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
I want to wake under the first morning light
and cover you in long slow kisses
and soft silk words of love
and gentle slide both mouth and hips
along your smooth and milky skin
and tenderly let fingers trace your every curve
until I hear you whisper words that grab my heart
and harden my flesh
and we turn to moaning beasts
and grunting lovers as we twist
and grind and forgot our human names
as we become lost in pleasure
and dance in pure flames of carnal desire
and erupt in a blaze
that drowns out the morning sun
and slowly calm our tempered mouths
to gentle kisses once again
and feel the storm beating through our chests
pass to easy winds and relaxed rhythms    
as we lay on top of one another    
and let sleep take our eyes
to dreams where we never end
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Amer Pelides
Gnawing at me and clawing its way out,
My loss and my agony comes forth
Like droplets from the sky,
Would I wish for an easier path?
A path full of comfort and leisure,
Have I failed you?
This day this hour,
Memories seem to flood
From my mind,
I once had a spirit indomitable
Life has seen to its demise,
I am sorry my sweet love
I wish my spirit could return strong and full,
Like a war ship full of hardy men
But alas death does not return,
What it has taken
I remain spiritless forever more.
 Aug 2017 Jenn Linh
Akira Chinen
She tossed and twisted in her sleep
in a realm beyond dream
and there was a stain of beauty on her lower lip
bleeding between her low guttural moans
and gasps of poetry exchanged
between her breath and her heart beat
and it crawled from the corner of her mouth
and down her chin and slide along
the long line of her neck
and pooled above her collar bone
before traveling down to her chest
where it bore its way into her smooth milky skin
and spread through her
consuming everything she had ever been
and would ever be
and she turned into fires made of silk
and words made of flame
stolen from the languages of the time before
and she was burned down to cinder and ash
and devoured into nothing
and in turn began to devour everything
and she became the beginning of time
and the language of leaves
and the songs of stars
and her belly and body swelled
and she became infinity and immortality
and she swallowed the realm of dreams
and the land of death
and the breath of life
and then became
the mother of dreams and death and life
and slowly and silently her body calmed
and she slumbered peacefully
for a time to long too measure
and a moment too short to record
and then suddenly she gave birth
to everything known
and every mystery that could never be explained
and she woke and yawned and stretched
and pulled a dream from her eyes
and began to weave...
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