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Mar 2018 · 256
I'm not too soft
Kylie Mar 2018
Very different from sympathy,
People don't always get it
Or they wish they had it,
that's what connects you and me.

It could be from the breaking of a bone
the way her tears flow
the sadness in a movie
the trip to the doctor
or a story about your friend who had lost his father.

Either way,
the world wouldn't be the way it is without you and me
we are never in drought
we are still growing
Along with the roses and the trees.
Mar 2018 · 298
Can We Talk?
Kylie Mar 2018
Tough love,
Is there even a single benefit?
In one ear and out the other,
Why even bother?

Tough love,
I don’t get it.
I tried to be less sensitive this time,
but sensitivity was never a crime.

Instead of hearing that, "it’s all in my head,"
I just wanted that response;
I understand.
How could I forget?
Simply talking about this has me hanging by a thread.

Tough love,
Not always a wakeup call.
It’s one of those,
“I shouldn't have opened my mouth,”
I guess whatever they say goes.

Tough love,
Still ****
Instead of ripping my hair out strand by strand,
I just wanted you to hold my hand.
That wasn't the plan

Isn’t tough love another way of saying, "You're stupid?"
Not blind
Forget about what’s on my mind,
I'm handling this situation all wrong.

Tough love
Only because it's not what I want to hear

Tough love
Is there even a single benefit?
Doesn’t it go in one ear and out the other
Why even bother?
May 2017 · 228
Kylie May 2017
He's the on and off switch,
Turning off my anxiety and
off the deep and dark eating disorder that was once ripping at my brain,
I am no longer insane.

He's the reason for my lips corners
Reaching for my ears,
Reaching and reaching until I hide behind what is near
He turns off all of my fears.

He is the reason for that feeling of cold
The good kind.
So cold that turning up the radio,
lead me to missing his hand in mine
He stops time
With his lips against mine.

When he rolls over in his sleep
What a wonderful creation,
That loosing him would only be my imagination
He brings me so much fascination.

I listen
I listen to him and tell me everything is going to be ok,
Listening and listening
even he had struggles throughout his day.
In the end the struggles did not matter;

We were together
Those negatives that were once so heavy
Are now as light as a feather;

The feather to the bird
That flies across the room to turn on the light switch.
Turning on,
the good feeling
My insides are screaming.

Your fingers crept
to the edge of my jaw
Softly around my neck.
Your thumb caressing my cheek
It happened in a blink

It still felt so right
To kiss me once
And feel all release from my lungs.
Which means we have time to grow

So much time that,
the light switch is still going off and on.
Yet, the light
will never burn out
We will never burn out.
I love you

— The End —