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I can see all the colours of your soul
When I look at you I notice
The subtle sigh that escapes you when you get tired
I see the frown when you get confused
The flush in your cheeks when you know I am looking but
You try hard, so hard not to look my way
I notice the half smile that appears when you touch my hair
And I know you think it is a river of silk
You've told me before
Never cut your hair
I love it almost as much as you
Is has its own personality
It is untamed
And leaves pieces of you all over my apartment
I can wrap my hand around it and hold on to you
Your hair is that much more of you that you give me
And I want to have all you can offer me
For as long as you'll have me
I notice
The way you are holding me tighter
Just so you can let me go
And I carry the prints of your love on me all morning
And in the afternoon when it fades
You find me again and bruise my lips with your passion
And I am liquid for you
I melt under your touch
And see all the colours of your soul
Do you know who I am?
I am a poet
And E.M. Forster said before that
The poets are right
Love is eternal

But if we ended I can only suppose
                                                             ­            I
Were a wrong combination
A key attached to a lock that cannot be opened
A coat in summer
A pumpkin spice latte in April
A name tattooed on your heart that doesn't mean anything anymore
An iceberg in a bathtub
A bird in the sea
A whale in the clouds
Someone by my side


Your mouth attached to my soul
My eyes glued to your body
And all the love that circulated between our twenty fingers
When they graze each other with the care you only use with a new born
When they grip so tightly you would think the Earth is F  
                                                                ­                                     A
                                                               ­                                         L
                      ­                                                                 ­                     L
                                          ­                                                                 ­     I
                                                          ­                                                         N
                                                               ­                                                         G
And the only way to stay grounded is to hold on to each other
I was your anchor and nothing about that felt wrong
And the way my heart beat when you were around felt so right
But your back is to me because if
The poets are right and
Love is eternal
You would still be holding my hand
For eternity
I am alive in your veins
I still run through your body
And I'm the poison that kills you everyday
When you try to push me away

Slicing your wrists open
Will not make me disappear
You know I am here for a reason

You invaded my thoughts for MONTHS
And blasted your fists on my jaw
I have been black and blue for YEARS

I can only retaliate
By invading your troubled cells
I am running through your body
And demolishing everything I touch
You destroyed me from the outside
I will annihilate you from the inside
I can tell you feel the pain
And I hope it
I am rich from all the things I have lost
When they come into my life I inhale the novelty
I learn what there is to learn
And take what there is to take
I store it in a box under my bed
I am a dragon sleeping over my treasure to protect it
There is no point in holding on to what is given
They take it away when you dangle it in front of them
They want it back
So I take and hide it
Then transform into a dragon
And scare them away
*(Late at night, I rise and grab that box)
(In it I can see all the treasures you couldn't take away from me)
You turn to me and break me up
Little pieces scattered to the floor
Danger in the sharp edges
If you tease me again
If can make you bleed
If you care you will leave me alone
If you care you'll let me move along
If you ever cared about me at all
You will turn around and let me be
The clock ticks and
Memory fades
Each second makes you disappear
A little bit further
Down memory lane
You will inhabit one of the houses I built for my memories
And I will come and visit
Until I forget about the number of the house
And the colour of the door
The last time I knocked
18 days ago
How long it has been since I heard your voice
432 hours
And how if feels to hear you steps following mine
Your hand wrapped around mine
Your legs in between mine
The smiles you throw at me
And I wish I could catch them all because I make you
So happy you smile all the time, even when I am not here.
And I wish I could bottle your smile up
And open the sound of your laughter when I am all alone
And you are

Long gone.
Times are changing
The whole world is rearranging
Love is fading
What is the world evading

*** is now the new thing
But that's just temporary pleasure
In the end what does that bring
It's just people giving away their treasure

Love is what people should look for
Since it is amazing beyond measure
When you have love you don't need anything more
Because there is nothing better

Lust, addiction and obsession shouldn't be confused with love
These are different feelings
Those aren't feelings you should be proud of
You'll notice this the day you actually start seeing
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