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 Oct 2016 Cave Man
Stu Harley
seeds of freedom
shelter and sunlight
Black People
know the root
we taste
fruits of freedom
 Oct 2015 Cave Man
I embrace the terror 
inside my cries,
and face my hurt
with gentle eyes

And to some it's
found to be a gain,
to become immune
to all the pain

 Oct 2015 Cave Man
Trust is heavy
in weight and it
is too great a mass,
it is the foundation
of love and yet
as fragile as glass

Trust is easy
at loss but so hard
to be regained,
because once it is
broken it will
forever be stained

 Oct 2015 Cave Man
Let me take your heart
to where it should lie,
in a place that consists
of only you and I

Let me take your heart 
to where it should be,
in a world that exists
for only you and me

There's no happiness in anything, until happiness in self
An honest and beautiful soul is greater than any amount of wealth
Look within you and you'll find the key to your contentment
Don't let your path to money be futile and relentless
 Sep 2015 Cave Man
Irham Hamdan
The hatred towards the government,
Implemented by the opposition,
Practiced by the citizen,
And now, it is like a tradition,
From generation to generation,

From provocation to demonstration,
Taking it to the street is the habitation,
Screaming and shouting for no reason,
A battalion of protestors controlled by politician,

A never ending fight between transformation and reformation,
To rule the country and win the election,
To make it to Putrajaya, that's the mission,
To make confusion is the only conclusion,
And making politics a priority than religion,

These corrupted people ruined our nation,
With their twisted tongue and telling facts that are fiction,
Telling lies to the people has become an addiction,
Spreading ideology with their sweet persuasion,
And influence a generation that's lacking in patience,
My views on society are,"people without meaning"
One day I strolled the block, seen a girl, tears streaming
Out her eyes, people mocked as she began to cry
And as sister would view it, I viewed it as unright
As the crowd cleared, I steered my way into her own
And as I enclosed her zone, it appeared that she had shown
Gratitude, it was as if she never had a friend before.
At last, he began to tell me what she sniveled for
"I get called a *****, *****, ****, on a daily basis.
I can't even face myself sometimes, at this rate
I want to end it all, don't even have no one to call a mother
Caused she died, that's right. Checked out in front of my eyes
***** still tragic, I guess that's what happens when you live deadly
I ain't clean, I drink heavily
Hennessy and **** is all I need
Basically, I'm a huge embarrassment
It ain't hard to tell I'm not doing that well.
Highway to hell and I'll gladly be there.
The same fate as my mother, it's a very fitting fare."
I should just mind to myself next time.
 Sep 2015 Cave Man
You & I
 Sep 2015 Cave Man
We are human
We fight for freedom.
Gender equality,
Peace between the races
And for the end of all wars.

Yet, we have sold ourselves
To mental slavery.
Concocting an idea of beauty
That evolves
Each time we get close enough to grasp it.

We consume morsels
And curl our frail bodies over the toilet bowl
Stare into the mirror, and
For between our thighs
we have carved, a gap.

We paint our faces
and hide the artwork that lies beneath.
We are enslaved by ourselves
And in turn we enslave society.

But, we are human,
We fight for freedom,
Gender equality,
Peace between the races
And the end of all wars.

But we neglect the wars going on inside us.
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