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447 · Feb 2014
Lost and Found
Traci Eklund Feb 2014
There I was, jaded... melodramatic....
fate was tempted when friends became enemies
when foes became ghastly shadows of anguish
I lived in a fortress of empty glass bottles
binge on the wine of our saviour
whose blood stains the alter?
where I fell upon my knees
before my  retrospect,
before the reflection of desolation
that filled my restless eyes.
slowly my tomorrow filled with hope
rivers of love pulsed through my veins
my hands could grasp beauty
my tongue could taste the smoke upon your breath
it was you
the one who found me at the end
who pulled me out of the carnage
428 · Dec 2014
The Night I Discovered Jazz
Traci Eklund Dec 2014
Deflated like the air mattress below me;
a haze was spinning within my head.
Inhale... exhale it said,
come closer if you will.
For this night is vacant and lonesome,
come give me a thrill.

I battled within my sheets,
for space with my anxiety to sleep.
Turned to counting rhythm and beat
of the broken teenagers on the street.
421 · Mar 2014
no secret
Traci Eklund Mar 2014
have you ever sat on the edge of town
where light pollution meets the mikly way
where the waters edge meets shadows with the valleys below
silver lining on the tips of the tide
what is there to fear
where is there to hide
when your fate is set forth with the sun rise
have you ever danced under the light of the moon
with flakes of snow on your brow
he spins you light
whispers I love you
like it is some secret
but it is no secret
the whole world can see it
413 · Apr 2014
We Are Alone
Traci Eklund Apr 2014
Every day is like another challenge
Another chance to survive
We boast and gloat
Off the little we know
You discover more when you are open
With no expectations of what’s to be
Until you develop your own morals
You unfurl your tainted schemes
Ruin your reputation
There is no much you’ve failed to seek
Oh darling
Your intentions pure
Not pure enough to save the tainted ground in which you step
I can tell you’re upset
About the outcomes of the dreams
May you weep in sorrow?
Even though tomorrow
Holds another key
To another door
To another world of opportunity
If only you’re crusted eyes could see
The potential of passion
Within the being
Let your veins bleed out the poison
Your induced drug like reality
Binging on sweet alcohol and smoking down your regrets
But are they regrets? Or disappointments of who you are
We see those nights reflect in the mirror
The grim look upon your young face
The crinkle marks faded where your smile used to be
Running from fears and broken hearts
Sitting in the rain
Cold, worn and rejected
When even turned up in the dirt
They still pick for more
I’m fearful to die alone
To fade unnoticed
To have loved is to have felt great pain
To have lived is to have gained and lost
When the day is old and you lay to rest your head
Don’t be troubled by your past
Or fear the unknown
For one day we will stumble upon
The greatest gift
Unconditional love and affection
404 · Sep 2013
Where'd it go?
Traci Eklund Sep 2013
the bed is empty
try to fill it with foreign bodies
when my skin graces theirs
its cold
their eyes so desolate...
where's the love I used to know?
this heart of mine is vacant
a quick one, then they go,
I am left there tired
feeling used and old...
where's the love I used to know?
Traci Eklund Mar 2014
Every day is like another challenge.
Another chance to survive...
We boast and gloat ,
Off the little we know.
You discover more when you are open,
With no expectations of what’s to be.
Until you develop your own morals.
You unfurl your tainted schemes.
Ruin your reputation.
There is so much you've failed to seek,
Oh darling...
Your intentions pure,
Not pure enough to save the tainted ground in which you step.
I can tell you’re upset..
About the outcomes of the dreams.
May you weep in sorrow,
Even though tomorrow...
Holds another key,
To another door,
To another world of opportunity,
If only you’re crusted eyes could see.
The potential of passion,
Within the being.
Let your veins bleed out the poison ,
Your induced drug like reality.
Binge on sweet alcohol and smoking down your regrets.
But are they regrets? Or disappointments of who you are?
We see those nights reflect in the mirror,
The grim look upon your young face.
The crinkle marks faded where your smile used to be.
Running from fears and broken hearts,
Sitting in the rain...
Cold, worn and rejected.
When even turned up in the dirt,
They still pick for more.
I’m fearful to die alone...
To fade unnoticed.
To have loved is to have felt great pain,
To have lived is to have gained and lost.
When the day is old and you lay to rest your head,
Don’t be troubled by your past,
Or fear the unknown.
For one day we will stumble upon
The greatest gift...
Unconditional love and affection
385 · Apr 2013
My Love
Traci Eklund Apr 2013
We lay tangled up in sheets
your eyes golden brown
the sun shine through this fogged window
were in the moment, in the now
finger tips meet
chapped lips to greet every morning
we lay in youthful folly
our future still a mystery
our past left at the door
you are all I will ever need and more
you saved me, I saved you
I just want to waste this sunday morning
laying in bed holding you
telling you
that your all I need and more
I love you dear
and I will miss you when you walk out that door.
362 · May 2013
what love is...
Traci Eklund May 2013
In the midst of night
Comes the hail of rain
The fog wallows in the atmosphere
how I wish you were here...

These days are short but feel so long
Within the maze of trees, I carry on
Im proud of who I am and what I do
Ive compromised
Lived within a veil of sorrow
Gave in to what could be
Instead of what is

Whos there to say that love cant find a way
My love id give anything
To  see your face
To lay beside you with grace
But for now we'll wait

For I have dreams to chase and as do you
But soon my love, our fingertips will collide
And all our worries will have subsided
I have no doubts with you
Because you have shown me what love is
361 · Feb 2014
Mornings Beside You
Traci Eklund Feb 2014
She harnessed her thoughts upon the page,
every word, a god-like scripture,
she spoke of his love as elixir.
His heart beats beside hers,
she could feel his arms clasped around her bare skin
ever so sweet....
She never felt so alive before
but nor has she ever felt this...
For the moment she wakes
he will be holding her tighter,
the world outside will be moving so slow...
the tires are squealing, the pastel sky rising over the hill tops and tips of trees.
As he is whispering words so delicate
she is hanging on every word.
Every morning she falls in love again
as he stares into her eyes and gently clasps her hand.
Its fate, or so it seems....
360 · Apr 2013
What it is to be Human
Traci Eklund Apr 2013
There is beauty in the most troubled souls
there is life in the sky above
the roots of growth beneath our feet
the today that lays at the end of the paths we meet
the meaning we suckle from every defeat
the hope that lingers in the air we breathe
the love that is held within every being we greet
here is to the moment we have yet to share
to the invisable strings that bring us closer together
here I lay shifted as the clouds that crumble above our heads
memories that are infused with every coffee I drink
thoughts that guide every dance I make
the flaws deep within my soul or upon the flesh that covers my bones
defines the fact that I am human
a person with a past, future, and a now
330 · May 2013
When in Love
Traci Eklund May 2013
In the end when your in love with someone
No distance imaginable can seperate the connection
Because when in love
You are two free beings within one entity
Whether I am looking at the stars or wandering the forest i know that i am not alone
Because somewhere out there in the world your there and always will be
It is just a matter of time before we      
Are together again
300 · Apr 2013
What it is to be Human
Traci Eklund Apr 2013
There is beauty in the most troubled souls
there is life in the sky above
the roots of growth beneath our feet
the today that lays at the end of the paths we meet
the meaning we suckle from every defeat
the hope that lingers in the air we breathe
the love that is held within every being we greet
here is to the moment we have yet to share
to the invisable strings that bring us closer together
here I lay shifted as the clouds that crumble above our heads
memories that are infused with every coffee I drink
thoughts that guide every dance I make
the flaws deep within my soul or upon the flesh that covers my bones
defines the fact that I am human
a person with a past, future, and a now
300 · Mar 2014
Forever & Always...
Traci Eklund Mar 2014
We can create life
Does that not make anything possible?

I counted the wrinkles and cracks in your skin.
ran my finger down your seems.
I remember when you moved in me...
my heart was beating too.
I never knew love until I looked into your eyes,
and could feel myself blossom.

You bring out the best in me.
Challenge me to be better than yesterday.
I learned to be vulnerable.
To entrust and feel your love.
I took a leap of fate
landing before you.
I would of never of guessed it,
but I knew I’d find you when I was hanging on by a thread.
When I gaze into your eyes...
when I am in the safety of your arms...
All I know is that I am blessed to have you
for now, forever, and *always
261 · May 2013
Journey to You
Traci Eklund May 2013
I used to stare at the night sky
wondering if the one person I'll forever love
would be watching the same star...
Now I stare at the stars knowing the one I love is out there
and each star keeps me company in his absence...
Love is everywhere
you just got to be ready to open your heart
Happiness is there
you just got to forget about everything and see it

— The End —