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  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
She's an alphabet artist
she paints in words,

from a palette of adjectives,
nouns and verbs,

the landscape she finds
in the folds of her mind

she exhibits in volumes of verse.
  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
Love is handing someone a gun and letting it point to your head, believing that they won't pull the trigger.
Tony Scallo Oct 2014
When silence is strong,
That side of me comes out
The one that creeps in the shadows
When optimism's in drought

My body will shake
And slowly vibrate
Sending chills up my back
Like an arctic earthquake

Which starts up the agita
In the back of my throat
That silences the thoughts
I want to promote

This feeling is wrong
And I'm well aware of that
But every time I try to stop
My mind just back tracks

Reminding me, of why I should be
Feeling this way
For all eternity

It's like my minds programmed
To follow a track
That leads me to pessimism
And I can't look back

Everything is black
From the sun to the moon
Positivity exists
But i'm overrun by the gloom
Depression is like walking down a long dark corridor, never knowing when the light will turn on.
  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
I'm fixated with you

But you're  leaving me just when I thought you were mine
  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
Memories with you
are like little shards of glass,
poking and prodding at my heart.
Each ***** a reminder,
of how you used to feel.
I need you,
but you're nowhere to be found.
I miss the way things used to be.
I miss you.
Tony Scallo Oct 2014
I have myself wrapped tightly,
Around your tempestuous finger
And I don’t seem to mind

I make myself act this way,
It seems almost all the time.

You’ve started your life, a brand new chapter,
Doing things that I can't
Seem to stop chasing after

I wrap myself around your finger,
Because I’m stuck on your laughter

I’ll admit, I’m an addict
A slave to your vibes
Your voice heals my soul, and I don’t know why

Cause it's the same one that continuously p u l l s
The hems of my heart,
Exposing it’s wool

And I bleed

Because I hurt and I ache
From all I give and you take

I expect it to be the same,
As it was back in the day

I just want to love you
And for you to love me back
Waiting for you to graduate,
Is going to give me a heart attack

I know you care for me
But it doesn’t feel the same,
Compared the memories that are lodged, deep inside of my brain

Take me back to the days
Where you were never away
Where you’d lay on my chest, and laugh on replay

I hope you still feel for me, like I do for you
After you graduate, and that this doesn't fall through
  Oct 2014 Tony Scallo
Silence is not keeping quiet
because you have nothing
to say...

Silence is having a lot
to say but no desire
to speak...
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