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Timothy Ward Feb 2016
the night is young
you said to me
we'll write our song
of lovers free

with love so fierce
passion bold
my heart you pierced
soul you stole
Thank you for entering my life, making me family and creating safe harbor. I hope I am able to reciprocate in some small measure...
  Feb 2016 Timothy Ward
Cat Fiske
I have read so many wonderful poems,
haiku's, 10 words, so many more, and none are alike!
But we tend to forget about spoken word poems,
Hello Poetry, can you make it possible to share our spoken words as well as our massive pile on's of endless poetry. Spoken Words would add to the sight, and only make it better.
I wish I could also Use Hellopoetry on my mobile phone, in an app,
I'm not sure about anyone else, but that would maybe add to HP

Please consider what I've had to say, c:
Please send repost like and share and comment anything else you think the sight needs since it's growing in great ways. Please share and like if you agree c:
Timothy Ward Feb 2016
lustful bow tenses  
war of lust or lust of war
mankind is groping
This is my first conscious attempt at a senryu after being inspired by several skilled writers on HP! I researched the format - it must be 5-7-5, 17 syllables, dark humor with a punch line at mankind! :) Always appreciate the feedback to improve.
it seems we got it wrong
in reverse
man made god in his own image
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