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  Jun 2017 Tiffany Merkel
Take a deep breath.
In through the nose
out through the toes.

Feel the emotions.
In through your brain
out through your hands.

Process the pain.
In through your nerves
out through your brain.

Can't let it clutter.
Don't allow it to take over.
Won't let it suffocate.

This anxiety.
The tightness in your chest.
You feel it happening as you sit.

The panic attack holds you.
It keeps you back.
Keeps you away from life.

You need to breathe.
You need to shake it out.
You need to think it off.


Take a deep breath.
Feel the emotions.
Process the pain.

This is just a blip.
Just a small blip
in your entire life.

You are strong.
You are smart.
You are stable.
  Jun 2017 Tiffany Merkel
Anxiety! Alas, you've taken everything from me
My friendships and everyone who used to call me
No fun, no cheerfulness, never being carefree

If only, if only I hadn't taken you by the hand
When you first struck, I shouldn't have feared
Now you've won many a battle but it's getting near
I'm going to eradicate you, never more in fear

People, my friends. You who read me
Do not do what I have done
Don't turn your back to the sun

Breath the fresh air, and live.
To anyone who's ever been constrained by anxiety or similar mental struggles. I want everyone to know that you shouldn't listen to your anxiety - when you will stop listening, you will be reborn.
Tiffany Merkel Jun 2017
Traveling with you feels barbaric in nature
Subject to small cramped places because the cargo has far exceeded the vessel
I feel like an old time stow away on a ship except with one glaring difference:
This is a small metal machine on wheels and not a fantastic glorious wooden bowl gliding on the vast seas
I suppose the food is alright too although there's only so many greasy and questionable meats a person can eat before it becomes something more of a sickly chore then a pleasurable break from being squished in the back seat of the car like a salty little sardine
There is only one hope when being trapped In a situation such as this
And that is the promise of a new wonderful land that waits beyond this dismal horizon called "vacation"
Tiffany Merkel May 2017
Artists are like God in that their happiness comes from the ability to create.

Pick up a paint brush and discover a religion.
Tiffany Merkel May 2017
I just want silence from you
My thoughts are loud enough
Tiffany Merkel May 2017
My heart feels torn and thrown like confetti
Laying in my own bed of torment
I can see how the very blood in my veins has betrayed me
Thoughts, wishes, hopes, and dreams
The deepest desires of a young girl's heart
All within grasp now....

Why have my hands taken to shaking?  
Why has my heart begun to rattle in his cage?
Why do my thoughts fly like birds to far off lands?

Betrayal, let downs, curses and spells
A wounded heart...
This is why my hands shake in the light of love
How to have you understand that the very act of my presence here is courage itself
Still...Love demands More
Love begs it of me

Dear heart,
Listen now and make haste to hear this
To drown yourself in the sea of love is the purest way to die
Die to yourself
The time of making friends with pain and fear are over
These have been comforting companions only in that you were not alone at least, sinking into oblivion of nothingness
Now is the time to break open, dear heart, and pour out your very depths of love into this beautiful soul you have found
There are no guarantees in love besides this one
That love is always worth it.
Tiffany Merkel May 2017
many of us will live and die without ever knowing what our true purpose is.

life is more simple when we are young. we know who we are and what we like.

but what happens?

as age turns to greet us, we begin to look for complicated answers to simple questions.

who are you and what do you love to do?

every child can answer this question without hesitation.

why are there so many adults who then lose this and no longer know who they are and what it is they truly love in this world.

you see,

it is not that the question became more complicated, but rather that we have simply become someone we are not- otherwise the question would still be simple.

the backlash of spending too many hours and days pleasing others and assimilating to this world has led to this great personal downfall of each of us.

we have lost who we truly are and what it is that we were created to do.

it is not complicated. it never has been.

when we each resdicover that inner child who once so confidently answered the question with such zeal- we will once again discover what it is our true path and purspose in life is and has always been.

and the time starts now.
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