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 Jul 2015 andrea
 Jul 2015 andrea
I have always liked to play in the rain and the dirt
              of life
       of time
often,   when the     end comes slowly in a quick second
     the shouting starts...
"come in" "come in    don't you see it's raining"  "we've got places to go"
     I don't know which soap to use to clean off the mud
 Jul 2015 andrea
Marisa S
 Jul 2015 andrea
Marisa S
One of the worst things
that has ever happened to me,
Turned out
to be one of the best.

Every s
                                                               ­ p I have taken in this life
has got me to
where I'm supposed to be.

But what's important to remember
through this bumpy life you live,
is that you don't learn to walk once.
 Jul 2015 andrea
brooke myers
as i take a step forward,
i can’t help but look back.
some memories are fading,
and some my mind lack.
my heart starts aching as i remember that life.
the pain is intense,
its like a knife that has stabbed me in the back.
the future is waiting.
but i can’t let go.
the past is fading fast
but my reaction is slow.
i cant let go..
i remember the way your fist felt while it connected with my face.
the way you slammed me up against the wall and began to beat my face..
it will stick with me until i take my last breath.
i will remember the way you laughed when you saw all the bruises you caused.
i refused to look in the mirror day after day then one day i looked at my reflection and i hated it.
because of you i lacked beauty.
this is one of my many poems
 Jul 2015 andrea
distance never seems to be an issue
when the heart yearns for a love that is new.
a craving for something spectacular,
(some sort of feeling untouched and raw)

perhaps if love were more of an unexpected experience than a
lifetime destination, it would be treasured more--
the number of forms it takes is too far to reach,
but the depth of each type can swallow you completely
 Jul 2015 andrea
Rachel Katerina
Fate doesn't merely want happiness,
but pain back as well as outscreamed distress,
and buys ruin at a second-hand rate.*

{this quote comes from "The Voices}
 Jul 2015 andrea
N Paul
I want to write it all; all of it. Every last word, sentence, phrase, poem, story, tale, feeling, joke, song, garbled hunk of nonsense streaming from my mouth hole like from a tap until the whole world drowns in just what I want to say; to let them know that expression is here, in my mind, in theirs, whispering in the trees outside, singing from every atom that can bump and grind and make things feel or see or sigh.

I want to sit within friends late in the night heads bobbing nod nod nodding as we agree or disagree or pedigree our intellect as we refine the phrases that make us sound like we know. Cos when you sound like you know, that's when you get heard, and if anyone's gonna get heard, ain't no one better nor worse than us. Cos nobody really knows; no Oxbridge don could ever write the wind, measure my kiss on my darlin’s skin, capture what the rosy points of her cheeks do to my brain, my body, my soul, my Attachment to this world.

So Hear me, O merry gentlemen! For I am alive and feeling and that is all the PhD I need.- If only you could see what’s dancing around in my skull... but you don’t have to! Use your own ivory mug! Really stop and think and you’ll see more than in a million poems roar within an eyeblink. Know it and feel it and see it all; the whole stupid shining racing roaring- untameable- restlessness of it all! Put down your pen and paper and rush out in the air and rejoice truly in the warm company of lovers and friends, in the sweet hum of guitar strings and in the savage itch of the insect's bite. In loneliness and mourning. In boredom and steady working with clever hands. And love, never stop loving, or hating, or appreciating, or caring, or crying, as long as you are feeling. For sometimes it seems we should always be in pain from one thing or another, yet mostly from the bubbling exasperation of positive go-get-em ***** for life.

For we read this clunky tongue of ours and say it’s what should be but there is more! For life through all its prisms can impress upon your vision a beauty neverending, yet to sense it quivering within a page is a spectacular sight indeed. So let’s leave the rigid, the impersonal, the stymied words behind and let's form a new expression, devoid of convention, one that cries joyous face-first directly into our souls!

So, Cry, onwards! And let's weave this tender tongue of ours, golden! Let's stack this world full of less-than-sane streams of speech tangled images driving shards of true experience into each other’s minds, until we drop dead deep in our bones from exuberant exhaustion. Let’s follow Kerouac to the grave; cheering, and keeling and full of tender feeling and find a meaning in words that can transcend into being. Let’s **** and watch and listen and do and learn and laugh and notice laughter and mark it for the concentrated joy that it is. Let’s sit quietly and attend to those things around us and ruminate without ever forgetting our surrounding- which include, of course, the ever flipping ever spinning and unwinding tapestry of our mind and others'.

Let’s find joy, or the maker, or whatever, same-meaning trap clap-trap of a name he (or she) has in your sticks, in what we can touch and feel and see, and inside those we know and those we don’t. Let’s make language a human thing that radiates warmth for all, and bridges us to those around us so that none may feel alone or scared unless they long to for glorious masochism, or curiousness, or any things they so do please. Let us travel, and dance, and loose hope, and find it, and live it.

And write tenderness into this world.
 Jul 2015 andrea
N Paul
Untitled II
 Jul 2015 andrea
N Paul
Tinkling giggle, rising flush,
Two hearts to burst with tenderness.
 Jul 2015 andrea
N Paul
Untitled V
 Jul 2015 andrea
N Paul
She said yes,
Such a shame
The ring is formed from soot.
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