With wings of fire she set off into the dark sky, Her wings illuminated the soul of the clouds, The magnificent height of heaven above her, Until she made her home in the sun, as one with one.
I have this book I write down all my thoughts Unfinished or not They finish me The parts of my heart My life together Paper is my life It connects me to other poets And other writers And other artists Of every different kind.
Today a girl told me I was the prettiest girl she knew. But as I look at my body, look at my clothes Oh my flaws I think inside how do you see such beauty?
I don't realize how much I take him for granted He is so great, but that's not the side I see of him We're already too awkward Time to take it back a stage Goodbye I will miss this era of progression But this progression leads to a dead end I've already learned this Don't make me suffer again Goodbye for a final time My heart cries Goodbye for life This doesn't seem right But I can't change you Bye.