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Naomie Sep 2016
Dear Mason,

I met you on July 16, 2016
A day after my birthday

I had begged my mom
To take me to the animal shelter

And when she did

I was so happy
So, so happy

I was surrounded by one of the things that made me the happiest


I walked in there
And I looked around

Some cats were sleeping
Most of them were grooming

And others stared at me
Like they wanted to **** me up (or rip up my new trendy top)

I looked around some more
And all these cats seemed pretty neat

Just not the one for me
You understand?

My mom told me to hurry up
So we could leave (the smell wasn't that great)

And then I saw you

Oh Mason

You looked at me in such a way
That didn't get me scared like the other cats

So I crouched down
Looked into your cage

And you looked at me
With those eyes

Oh your eyes were beautiful

I stuck my finger in your cage
And you batted at it playfully

(Even when the lady working there told me not to. How could I not(those eyes)?)

I was fixated on you
You were fixated on me

And finally the lady
Asked if I wanted to hold you

I have never agreed to anything so fast

She got your attention
With her long acrylic nails rattling against your cage

And you jumped into her arms

She told me some things about you
And finally handed you over to me

I placed you against my chest
And you immediately began purring

(My heart)

I stroked your shiny black coat
While the lady explained to me

How a young girl like me
Could miss out on some fun opportunities

Because of this cat
I didn't really care.

I held you like you were going to leap away from me at any given moment  
But you didn't leap away so that meant I was doing something right, right?

My mom was snapping away
And I was falling in love with you

And you were licking my arm and
Making biscuits against my chest

After the long, long conversation
Between my mom and the lady

I had to give you back.
I almost started crying.

I made a noise in the back of my throat
And you looked up at me with those eyes

I kept stroking your fur
I really didn't want to leave without you in my arms

But I had to.

My goodbye to you was a kiss on top of the head
And you placed your head in the crook of my neck.

(Oh ****, here comes the tears from all this reminiscing)

I gave you back
You put back in your cage

And before I left
I looked back at you

And of course you looked up at me
With those eyes

I left the animal shelter with a heavy heart.

The next day I went on the shelter's website
Looking for your picture to show my grandma, to showcase how photogenic you are

And you weren't there

I searched
And searched
And searched

I thought it was a glitch
But I knew it wasn't

I knew it before I even realized.

You got adopted.

I cried.

Quite a lot actually.

I had made plans to got to he shelter the next week
So you could meet my sister

Eventually, I got over it
And I was happy for you

You got adopted! You have a home!

The hard part is the fact that it isn't my home.

Sometimes I look at a box and think
'Wow, if Mason was here, he would've loved that box'

Or I could be alone in bed and think
'If Mason was here, he'd be laying next to me, purring like crazy'

I miss you, Mason.
Based on a true story.
p.s My profile pic is of Mason and I
Naomie Aug 2016
It always starts out as a question
"Can I do this alone?"

That's how it begins.

You'll start out as strong as you can
Putting all your effort into whatever you're doing

And then your strength begins to dwindle
You tell yourself "I've made it this far I can keep going".

(Motivation always helps.
Even If you feel like it isn't.
You always last that extra minute
That you needed.)

When you feel like giving up the first time,
That's when your palms become clammy

Your heart starts to pound
And your brain runs wild

"What if I can't keep going?
What if I need to stop?"

That person you saw giving in the other day
Is now becoming you.

Oh God, now you're that person

And that pushes you even harder
(Who knew you still had something left?)

And when you crash
You don't realize what'***** you.

"But I was doing fine! I don't know what happened to me!"

And then the tears flow.
And you begin to

What are you falling into?
It could be anything actually

Your self-esteem could crash

And then come those thoughts

(How far could you drop down?
Far enough)

Those thoughts that eat away at your being
And your mind
And your body
And your soul
And everything you thought couldn't be touched

Now your tears are flowing freely
And you're eating yourself alive

There is something wrong with this picture

You are alone.
Completely, utterly, alone.

Where is that person, dog, cat etc..
That is supposed to be there

Comforting and caring for you
When you drop so low

Are they dead?
Did you push them away?
Did they push you away?

Whatever the circumstance maybe
You are alone.

The right thing to do now
Is go look for that person, dog, cat etc..

And convince them (if they aren't convinced enough as they see the bags under your eyes and the way you've lost the pep in your stride)
Once you've got that down

Pour it out
All of it

Let it go
(Like the song)

And pray they are the person you think they are
And comfort you the way you think they should

You'll feel better afterwards
You'll pick up all your pieces.

But them in jar
Carry that jar with you

And hope
You never, ever have to endure that
Ever again

You'll regain that pep in your stride
And with that person, dog, cat etc..

You think to yourself
'I'm not alone in this fight'

(Unless you push this certain person, dog, cat etc.. away and that is when you fall into the vicious cycle of learning, forgetting and learning again the hard way.)
It's a long one, guys
Naomie Aug 2016
And when the time comes
You'll realize
That you aren't perfect
You can never be perfect

But, God you'll try so hard

You'll put on makeup
You'll do up your hair
You'll find a way to make your smiles look real.

Once you're done
Wasting all your money and things
You didn't need in the first place

All of this emotion
Will rush at you

And smack you right in the face

You'll do things you're not proud of
You'll drink till you can't anymore
You'll dance till your feet bruise
You'll cry till you've wasted all your tears

Even after all that
You still strive to be perfect

You'll never learn
You'll never quit
You'll never stop

Until you do.

And let all this emotion
Wrap around you
Embrace you

And then you'll learn
You are perfect.
Just the way you are.
I know I sound
Corny as ****

*But you'll learn that you are perfect.
It's good to be back my friends.
Naomie Jan 2016
If you paint paragraphs

Onto a wall

Will it become a new room?

Or will it remain

The same?
Happy New Year's Eve!
Oct 2015 · 7.1k
Follow Me To Neverland
Naomie Oct 2015
She'd scream
Come,Come with me!
I'll make your dreams come true
Put your heart in my hand
Follow me into a strange land
Come,come with me, won't you?

Follow me into Neverland
Follow me into Neverland
We'll meet with Peter Pan
Follow me to Neverland.
Follow me, won't you?
Oct 2015 · 2.8k
Pandora's Box
Naomie Oct 2015
Oh, oh no!

There it goes!

There it goes.

My box of humanity!

Oh,oh no

There it goes!

Where did I put my key?

I feel it slipping deep deep down

Can you find it for me?

It's deep deep down, can you find it for me?




Help me find my key?




Help me find my key?

Help me unlock my box of humanity.
Will you help?
Sep 2015 · 281
Bullets Of Light
Naomie Sep 2015
She shot into the sky
Her eyes alight
Her fingers shooting
Bullets of light
Aug 2015 · 331
Seraphina & Soul PT.2
Naomie Aug 2015

The planet of Peace welcomes you

Before you pass through the gates

Put all your hate, grief, envy and anger into the box.

Put your soul in the box next to it,

For two days you must leave your body and your soul bare

Your past actions  must be reflected upon


You are cleansed-

Excuse me Ms.Seraphina!

You have a note from yourself

It reads:

We'll meet on the reflection of our river

~ xoxo, S
Aug 2015 · 571
Seraphina & Soul
Naomie Aug 2015
The X marks the spot

But you're still no where to be found

I've had stars in my pocket, but I've thrown them all out.

Why can't I find my poor other half?

The arcs of our dreams have all been burned down.

Endless days turn into endless nights

Haven't I looked hard enough?

Why must you be so hard to find?

( I won't cry.. No I won't )

Follow the  path to our planet, the path our peace it told me

Forget.. Forget..Forget..

Forget me not said the Soul

~xoxo , S
Why am I so inactive?
Mar 2015 · 646
Crazy Fox Man
Naomie Mar 2015
Lovely crazy fox man
Swinging through the forest
I have a special spot for you
By the Hanging Tree

Lovely little Lizzie
Sit right beside me
I have a special seat for you
By the Hanging Tree

Crazy little fox man
I know you love her
There is no else above her
So do this special deed

Pretty little Lizzie
Do you know he loves you ?
There is no one else above you
He'll love you till he bleeds

Crazy ol' fox man
They're about to lynch me
**** everybody
Then you'll have her heart

Lovely little Lizzie
Chop your mommy and daddy
**** everybody
Then you'll have his heart

Lovely crazy fox man
Pretty little Lizzie
They love each other
In sweet insanity
Mar 2015 · 1.0k
Two faced Earth
Naomie Mar 2015
Haven't you heard
Of the two faces
Of Earth?
Towards the west
You'll see her mot horrendous

Where the monochrome
Roads represent
Her parched tongue
That dries out
Day by day

And her pastel
pink cheeks
Lose their color
While her leafy green hair
Gets cut everyday

When she breathes out
Filmy grey exhaust
Replaces the frothy white
Clouds that she wishes
Would become hers

Her sky blue eyes
Ones nobody
Doon't recognize anymore
Have become dark and dull
And an dreary aubergine

As her tears
Leave ***** trails
Across her cheeks
Trails of plastic bottles and
Papers tossed away

Move to the south
Where the yellow sun
Becomes the second face's smile
Tinkling dandelion seeds are her laugh

Rolling spring green hills
Are the curls of her hair
And the oceans are her swimming pool

But when she sees
Her other half
With every beat of their volcanic heart
Both won't live
This is for a contest ! Freeverse vs. Ryhmer I hope I win^_~^3^^_^
Naomie Mar 2015
I Killed The Queen
Mirror , Mirror
Listen here
I just want to make this clear
The Queen is dead
I've cut off her head
Now you belong to me
I Hate The Prince
Mirror , Mirror
I hate the prince
His heart is what I want to mince
A knife in hand
I'll take command
And throw his life away
I'm A Witch**
Mirror , Mirror
I'm a witch
You think I was made beautiful like this ?
I was an ugly child
Disturbingly wild
I would go to my Aunt
And she would teach me to haunt
To curse
And do even worse
Mar 2015 · 467
Naomie Mar 2015
Here comes
The man
In the black suit
Passing by the bar
For a quick
A quick
A quick
Never thinking
Anything through
The man in the black suit
Just might be thinking
Of having
A quickie
With you !
Mar 2015 · 286
Naomie Mar 2015
Can the Sun
Describe the way
The Moon orbits Earth
By just looking at ?

Can I
Describe the way
I love you
By just telling you I do ?
Feb 2015 · 854
Naomie Feb 2015
With a line of light
Streaking across a sky
Disturbing the peaceful night
Thunder kills
The pitter patter of the rain
And a young heart skips a beat
Yelling her mother's name
Most would never think
Astraphobia could make
A girl think this way
It's like Evil
Words that seem to be
Booming and squeezing
The life out of you
Seems childish but it's true . I'm afraid of thunder and lightning
Feb 2015 · 927
The Library
Naomie Feb 2015
Quiet Sisters
Pictures of grown ups
Interruption of services
Crossed legs
Long aisles
Creeping pedophiles
The Library
Feb 2015 · 328
The Word Challenge
Naomie Feb 2015
First time doing this !!

Click the " Words " tab
Count 12 lines
Go to the fourth word
Write a poem about the word
Tag it #wordchallenge
Have fun !!!!!!!
Comment when finished
Feb 2015 · 330
Naomie Feb 2015
I hate you
I hate you
But I'm still in love with you
Promise you won't make it stop
*Until my fever drops
Feb 2015 · 445
Smile , Wink , Kiss
Naomie Feb 2015
Smile !
Wink !
Kiss !

Sweetheart , you look so dull !
On the inside she screams
Sweetheart , go on releve !
On the inside she whispers
'' Can you shut the hell up ? Ok ? ''

Naomie Feb 2015
Let's meet at the coffee shop
Let's laugh away the pain
Let's get high on sugar cubes
Let's have fun with the day
Let's stumble on the edge of the sidewalk
Let's trip over our feet
Let's race with children
Let's find some pizza to eat
Let's walk along the beach
Let's bury each other in sand
Let's wade in the water
Let's dry off in the light
Let's walk home together
Let's go to sleep
Let's meet at the coffee shop
I'll see you next week ^_+
I found this poem very cute. Hope you do too . ^.^ ^^;
Feb 2015 · 348
Monsters Made of Glass
Naomie Feb 2015
I've got monsters made of glass
Just so easy to destroy
Feb 2015 · 353
Just A Kiss
Naomie Feb 2015
Just a
No one
Just a kiss
We're the
Ones home
It isn't my
We were
Left alone
Just a kiss
Of this
You know
Want to
So stop
Feb 2015 · 774
Naomie Feb 2015
My fear of being alone
Conquers most
My lips are sewn
Shut in fear
As the feeling of being watched
Dominates my senses
Eyes boring into my back
Seeping into my skin
Chilling my bones
And my body shutting down
Inside I just want to crawl
Into a corner
Where no eyes
Can peer maliciously into
My soul
Severe case of monophobia
Feb 2015 · 434
Pen Caps
Naomie Feb 2015
The things that portray my frustration while writing my poems
Can anyone relate ?
Feb 2015 · 217
Naomie Feb 2015
When a smile becomes a giggle
You know it's magic
Feb 2015 · 325
How Does Time ___
Naomie Feb 2015
How does Time become
Something that'll help make your heart hum ?

How does Time make you think
" Maybe I shouldn't have this drink "

How does Time make you wonder
Anger is never the answer ?

Can Time
Be the thing that makes a poets' words rhyme ?
Things to think about
Feb 2015 · 210
Naomie Feb 2015
I hope that life
Becomes easier
Even when it seems it never will
Feb 2015 · 442
Naomie Feb 2015
Dreaming is  gift
That the God above has given Man
The will to visualize
What you want..
Things that you hope
Things that scare you
Terrify you
Make you scream
A gift sculpted
Out of the finest Diamonds
And given to Man
Feb 2015 · 637
Naomie Feb 2015
With every burning step
Distinct noises gather
In your head
A deer here
A fox there
A rabbit caught in a snare

The corn yellow moon
Beams down at you
Bits of fiery facets
Thrown off your red coat
Intertwined with
Stringy pieces of magma

Your howl awakens
The pack along your side
One wolf with white
Grey-ish blue eyes

Tonight tonight
The wolves come out
You'll hear their howl
Without a doubt
* For Jaky
Feb 2015 · 348
Naomie Feb 2015
Be mine
Be sweet
Like the candy you'll eat
Be kind
You just might find
A nice kiss
Upon your lips
Late post
Feb 2015 · 273
Naomie Feb 2015
I love it when your stupid words that come out of your mouth make me want  to become a demon and chew all your lies up like your bones in between my teeth .
Feb 2015 · 512
Pretty Girl
Naomie Feb 2015
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
Put on your dress
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
You have to look to impress
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
Smoke up your eyes
You need that ***** look for a midnight surprise
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
Don't be deceived
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
Not all things should be believed
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
Be careful
Pretty girl
Pretty girl
Your heart is quite fragile
Feb 2015 · 239
Naomie Feb 2015
I can't think
I can't think
I can't think
I can't think

Of a single time

Where a lie

Hasn't escaped your

Dreadful lips

The ones I've fallen in love with
Feb 2015 · 257
Scattered Thoughts
Naomie Feb 2015
Scattered thoughts reign in my mind
The truth
Feb 2015 · 609
Naomie Feb 2015
Her lips glisten
With the sweetest nectar
Her eyes are amber
Like golden sap
Her locks
Wavy and sensual
Her heart doesn't beat
It sways like the ocean
Her mouth doesn't speak
It sings of days
Where humans
Will learn to love
She is among us
In a sleek disguise
You can see it in her amber colored eyes
A goddess lives among us
Feb 2015 · 948
Sweet Innocent Child
Naomie Feb 2015
Sweet innocent child
You never listen
Sweet innocent child
You'll pay the price soon

Sweet innocent child
Don't go to the lake
Sweet innocent child
Remember this

Sweet innocent child
Got itself pulled under
Sweet innocent child
Loves to wonder

Sweet innocent child
So stupid
Sweet innocent child
Is at the bottom of the lake

Sweet innocent child
Has blue lips
Sweet innocent child
Is getting eaten by demons

My sweet innocent child
Never listens
My sweet innocent child
Has payed its price
Feb 2015 · 444
Improvisation #2
Naomie Feb 2015
Oh sweetheart , are you mad ?
There isn't anything to be mad about
You shouldn't fell quite bad
I'm treating you better  than I have treated anyone
Without a doubt .

Sweetheart , it's honestly very fair
Just do what I say
And I won't **** you I swear
Keep your temper at bay .

It depends on what
You plan to say
Guess what , I'll never become your ****
I hope that wasn't on your mind ,
I would find that quite cliché
Naomie Feb 2015
To be the only one

Without a rose

The only one

Without a heart

The only one

Without chocolate

The only one

Without a lover

* The Benefits of Single Awareness Day
Feb 2015 · 323
Roll Down Your Windows
Naomie Feb 2015
Roll down your windows

Let me see inside

Don't be afraid

There's nothing to hide

I love you

Can't you see ?

I need to know those secrets

You're keeping from me
Feb 2015 · 237
Naomie Feb 2015
Crystal cups

Laid in a pattern

Diamonds form

An impenetrable shelter

Can you hear

The whispers ?

They are so clear

Here they come

The angels are here
Feb 2015 · 201
Naomie Feb 2015
Dream about how much
The scars weren't needed
But were placed there
Jan 2015 · 270
Can You Not ?
Naomie Jan 2015
Can you not stare at me like it's my fault ?
Jan 2015 · 844
Masterpiece's Many Faults
Naomie Jan 2015
A night laid it's
Indigo spreadsheet
Across the sky
The moon , a pocket of light

Masterpiece , stares at
The deep blue
Her heart was missing
Something ; something that she felt

Brewing like chamomile tea
Love stirred in her breast
Love...Nothing like that lived
In her mind but soon she though

And thought ...
                          And thought ...

Until she remembered

She's crippled
No prince will marry her
With her many faults...
Writing a series of poems starring Masterpiece and her faults
Naomie Jan 2015
Her heart stops beating
From time to time
A princess born defective
High treason ; a crime.

Most blame it on her mother
The Queen , they say she was stupid
For keeping her , they say her days will end
Her life is over.

Masterpiece~the crippled princess
Couldn't speak until the age
Of  five but , her words written
Bring tears to the eyes

' Masterpiece , Masterpiece
What a beautiful name
With words she's written
Even beasts will remain tame

Her words spoke of magical worlds
Filled with adventure and romance
Loss and  pain remain intact
Love and seduction ; the final act !
Something new..
Jan 2015 · 778
Just Like Soap
Naomie Jan 2015
Wash away my little sins just like sweet-smelling soap
Obsessing over 10 word poems ❤
Jan 2015 · 287
When The Crazy Comes
Naomie Jan 2015
There are reasons I love you
And reasons I don't
At times
You're your self
At times
You're not
When you aren't ok
You hit me
Slap me
Bruise me
Beat me
It's worse when my skin changes shade
And you laugh and tell me To run to my make up box
When you're ok
Your arms go around me
Your words are soothing
Your eyes are brighter
And when you see
The harm you've caused me
Tears flow from your eyes
You apologize
Dozens of times
I love you..
I don't ..
Jan 2015 · 242
The Woods
Naomie Jan 2015
The woods whisper deep , dark secrets in my ear tonight
Jan 2015 · 778
Naomie Jan 2015
You must have
Bitten into
If it tasted like me
Jan 2015 · 259
Collabs Anyone ?
Naomie Jan 2015
I'm open for collabs , guys ^^ Message or comment if you want
Jan 2015 · 618
Ode To Music
Naomie Jan 2015
You play your rhythms
Soft and sweet
Others play a heavy drum beat

Words written
In a lyrical style
Creating an album
May take a while

Some we can relate
Others we can't
Many get us irate
Or else they enchant .
Thanks for the 100 likes ❤❤
Sweet Mother of Christ .. I trended again
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