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Jan 2015 · 2.0k
Clit , Clat
Naomie Jan 2015
**** , clat
My heels pound on the street
**** , clat
A steady beat
**** , clat
Something follows
**** , clat
A heartbeat empty and hollow
Jan 2015 · 348
How To : Love
Naomie Jan 2015
The touch is soft
Like a feather
That's kissed my face.

The arms wrap
Around my waist
Undoing buttons in haste .

Liquor bottles lay
Unopened on the floor
Waiting to be drunk.

Pants sliding down
Skirts hitched up
Mouth in place
( My love in your face )

Music , check
Liquor , check
Love , check
All we need is a ....
Jan 2015 · 354
Naomie Jan 2015
Morsels of insanity
Drift in the air
While I cry
Jan 2015 · 279
Naomie Jan 2015
Pacing the room
Your thoughts wild
Filled With confusion
And compassion
Harnessing your will power
So that  tears don't come out of your eyes
Your heart is stained
With an unexplained feeling
The one where you've reached greatness
But it came
With a terrible price
Jan 2015 · 460
Bay-Like Nights
Naomie Jan 2015
These types of nights
It's hard to contain
A person like you
But I try in vain
It gets harder
When your arms
Wrap around me tighter
Because I want to lay
Where we first met by the bay
Sooner than later
Your face is buried
In my hair
( Sniffing it like ****** )
And I am unable to leave
Your sleep - laden grasp
Cute ?
Jan 2015 · 248
The Singer of The Crow 2/3
Naomie Jan 2015
A male endures the night
Until the nightmares
Die in the light
Tears streaking down his shuddering face

The day closes
And the tormenting begins
With his voice breaking  , he murmurs
The words chosen

Beg , beg or the dead
Will pick at you
And tear you up instead
If you entertain me enough I'll let you live too.
Part 2 of the singer of the crow
Jan 2015 · 234
Help Me Dream
Naomie Jan 2015
Can you help me dream ?
About the time where I used to be
Your one and only ...
Naomie Jan 2015
'Kiss her ! Kiss her ! '
The voices chant in his head
' She's drunk ! She's drunk ! '
They urge him to do it .

He leans down
A smile covers her face
A word slips out of her mouth
Two lips shut her up .

Her mouth tastes like wine
Her tongue is like a vine
Coiling around him
Like a snake*

Let's just hope this isn't fake ...
Jan 2015 · 279
The Singer of The Crow 1/3
Naomie Jan 2015
The songs of the Old
Play from time to time
Stories untold
Hidden in the rhymes

An ancient mystery
Chimes in the music
Under a melody
Are words mystic and cryptic*

Sing , sing until the moonlight brings
Out the worst nightmares that
Dance in your head this song to a beat with multiple meanings
Once the light dies , shade your eyes and become the light's combat
Part 1 of the singer of the crow
Jan 2015 · 267
A Night With You
Naomie Jan 2015
I want your lies
To coat my tongue
Like a drugged serum

Kiss my skin
Like you mean it
Love me hard enough for me to feel it

Touch me right
Open me like a present
Lets hope this is not just a figment ( of my fantasies )

Baby , baby
Come and take me
Make my  night just a bit better after you visit
****** ? Maybe not ...
Jan 2015 · 343
Submitting To You
Naomie Jan 2015
The pain is fresh
Like a wound that hasn't closed
But whenever my gaze
Wanders into yours
I can practically feel
Your arms around me
Pushing me up against
A wall
Your lips smothering
Your love onto my lips
And my body submitting to you
Jan 2015 · 395
Momma , Momma
Naomie Jan 2015
Momma , momma you're pulling
My hair.
Shut up  , girl you think I
Momma , momma don't yell at
Shut it girl , I'm making you
Momma , momma do you
Love me ?
Little girl , I'd rather love
A tree !
Momma , momma hates her one and only ..
Jan 2015 · 185
Naomie Jan 2015
Kisses , hugs
Likes and loves
Most don't know the difference
Jan 2015 · 283
Naomie Jan 2015
I'm debating if I should or shouldn't write more things like Champagne Kisses and The Dead Man Band . Leave comments below , feedback on my poetry would be appreciated greatly**
Since Champagne Kisses magically began trending , I'll write more like it ^^
Jan 2015 · 371
Naomie Jan 2015
Smiles were made
To brighten ones day
Not to ruin one

Why is that
With a smile he
Made my day
Horrible ?
Naomie Jan 2015
Premature oranges
Hang still above us
The perfection at it's best
A gentle wind blows
Against my face
The flames consume
Other trees
A ring of fire
Eating away at
The crisp grass
" I love you "
A brittle whisper in my ear
I'll remember how
Dark and grim it was
When you spoke
Your last ' I love you '
To me
There is
Always love
At the most grim moments
Inhaling smoke
Heat on our eyelids
Our souls can finally
Rest even in the
Most macabre setting
A poem from The Last Book of Hope ❤
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Champagne Kisses
Naomie Jan 2015
Bubbly Laughs
Escape my lips
Tasting of champagne
And our kisses
We are in
A(n) (enjoyable) drunken stupor
Having the time of our lives
Just for a fleeting night
Surrounded by fools
Including us too
Jan 2015 · 1.5k
Annoying Things About Love
Naomie Jan 2015
My body pines
For a different
Form of Love
The Love you gave
Wasn't enough
The annoying thing
About Love
Is that you
Can't have enough
It becomes a
Living thing
Leave it to perish
And a gnawing hunger
Nibbles away at your heart
At times
It's gentle
Other times
It throws tantrums
Kicking , screaming
Lying , crying
Oh Love....
Annoying things about Love ...
I hope you can relate
Jan 2015 · 230
The Game
Naomie Jan 2015
My back is against a wall
Across the room
You sit on a chair
And tell me to crawl

My heart is beating
In my chest
You sit and laugh
And say , '' Take off your dress ''

You smirk and stand
My head runs wild
You touch my face
With the back of your hand

'' No need to be scared ''
The fear climbs
'' Just be prepared ''
My blood runs thick

Your hand slowly
Runs down my back
Undoing the knots
You're ready to attack

You kiss me rough
My mouth moves with yours
" Good girl "
" It isn't that tough ''

My dress slips off
My shoulders
Leaving my skin bare
'' This wasn't that hard '' , you mutter with a scoff

Showering my collar bone
With sultry kisses
My eyes widen
As I moan

" That sound ''
" Gets me so ..''
You leave the room
But your words leave me bound

You come again
My heart racing
'' Sweetheart if you stay ..''
'' I'll never make your pleasure end ''

My body reacts on it's own
Clinging to you
Carefully you lay me down
And love me to the bone

You make me squeal
You make me kneel
You want me to scream your name
Soon enough you play your game ...
First ****** poem . I feel pretty proud of it ..
Jan 2015 · 233
Midnight Mysteries(11w)
Naomie Jan 2015
Up all night
Staring at a screen
Forcing your eyes open
Jan 2015 · 203
Naomie Jan 2015
He loved me
Or so I thought
Did he really ?
Jan 2015 · 409
The Glass Girl
Naomie Jan 2015
Her glass legs spread out
Forming a circle that goes around
Her arms stretch toward the sky
Attempting to beautify
The bleak room

Flowers bloom
From her chest
Ceramic petals
Contrasting against
The dullness of her torso

A glass body
Fragile and delicate
Grows , upward
Filtering innocence
And impurity taking its place

Her bare ceramic soul
Is barring a way to another world
A world where everyone's feelings
Are brittle and weak
Jan 2015 · 601
Naomie Jan 2015
I still dream about
The stars and moon
That are tearing
Me and you apart

I think about
Your pretty face
That's written
In the stars
Jan 2015 · 258
Dear Stranger
Naomie Jan 2015
Dear Stranger

I've heard your name
In different ways
All of them contrasting
None the same
Naomie Jan 2015
Names , numbers
Deep slumbers
Chamber secrets
Torn up leaflets
Paper , papyrus
There's something near us
Champagne in glass cups
Sales are going up
Kisses , corruption
Love devours devotion
Jan 2015 · 231
The Song Declared Done
Naomie Jan 2015
Remember the song
That remains unsung ?
Well, a conqueror has come
To declare it done.

A woman with multiple eyes
Has come with a surprise
A demon in tow
It sings the Song of the Crow.

Tenderly she plays the keys
Says to the demon, "Protect me, please."
The demon chants while the notes ascend
The smoke around the piano reaches a dead end.

The woman laughs
The demon as well
She smiles while
The music swells.

The demon resumes
While the monster tries to consume
The ground at their feet.

The woman plays on
Trying to finish the song
Her brow is sweaty
The music is heavy.

The demon is tired
The monster is on fire
One by one victims of the song
Appear unharmed
They've all been released of it's charm .

The singer of the Crow
Bends down real and slowly
Showers her mouth with kisses
Peppery, like snow.

That is the last
They've heard of them both
Their names have lived on
In The Last Books of Hope
When I mentioned the woman with multiple eyes that means she has glasses >.<
Jan 2015 · 236
Ghostly Love
Naomie Jan 2015
She puts fire
In his eyes
Even though she
Is a ghost in

He loves her
So dearly
Even when he
Can't see her

He brushes her
Lips with his

He touches her face
Without leaving a

He kisses her neck
When it has no

He loves her , yes
Hence their love
Is in a world of
Jan 2015 · 643
The Cake Loving Kids
Naomie Jan 2015
Cat ears
A baker's fear
Stomach aches
Unmade frosting
This is exhausting
Pink candles
No one can handle
The cake loving kids
See what I mean ?
Jan 2015 · 585
The Dead Man Band
Naomie Jan 2015
With a handful
Of human heartstrings
A dead man plays the bass

Double spinal cords
To create drumsticks
And a heartbeat is held

44 finger bones
create keys
Of a piano

Last a shrieking
Is heard while
The Dead Man Band plays

" Run , girl , run !
Before your
Life is done

Scream, darling , scream
Notice this
Isn't a dream* " .
This poem will be considered pretty morbid compared to the next one I'll post
Jan 2015 · 453
Naomie Jan 2015
Bronze into gold
Gold into Bronze
Diamond candies
Glittering among
The few tongues
Of an alchemist's correction
Perfecting the truth
Exaggerated by vagabonds.
Forgetting the lies told by
Common folk
For they will
Never be able
To taste that
Diamond candy
You all shun and disgrace
Jan 2015 · 429
The Drakon
Naomie Jan 2015
Shrieking Ravens
Roam into the arms
Of a distant apocalypse
Fluttering mindlessly,
The cries of a decaying
Earth continue to destroy
Sound barriers all around .
Although trees bow low
and their leaves hang limp
From useless stems
Alone stands acres of
The tallest trees that will
Never touch the toxic forest floor
For these woods have never
Been touched by humans .
Many have tried but have only
Been cut down by the
Last monster that goes by the
Name of The Drakon
Even the empire's strongest men
Couldn't stand a chance .
It screeches , the voice echoes
Throughout the galaxies , "  You'll come as heroes and die as fools ! "
Eternity after eternity , The Drakon
Waits and waits until the end of Heaven and Hell*.
Jan 2015 · 297
Alice In Wonderland
Naomie Jan 2015
Follow the rabbit
Into the hole
Listen to the cat
To find your soul
Jan 2015 · 359
Beatrix Lyrian
Naomie Jan 2015
What do you want me
To see ?
Your future ?
Dearie , there's a fee .

Find me the eye
Of the Golden Boy
Bring me the cloak
Of a Giant's toy .

Once you're done
Drop it in the box
Next cut off some
Of your golden locks

Call me then
Find the key
Maybe then I'll
Show you your future , dearie* .
Jan 2015 · 329
Naomie Jan 2015
Every time I sleep in bed
I see the monsters in my head
Ghouls and ghosts chase me about
While I think of mournful  doubts

I scream and scream until my Mother hears
All about my terrifying  fears
Giants threaten to eat me whole
While vampires threaten to steal my soul

I'm drowning in moonshine
The alcoholic drink
Demons waiting for me to to sink
Maybe for once to have a decent meal

Wolves strip my bones clean
Then I remember
It's just a dream
Something I had written earlier in 2014
Jan 2015 · 425
Improvisation ( Literally )
Naomie Jan 2015
Kisses coming
From a corrupted queen
Maybe the prettiest kisses
You've ever seen

Notes written
From a wry prince
That are covered
In his fingerprints

Dreams sent
From a  jealous princess
That remind her of
Her ex-lover's weakness

Love sent
From a pitiful king
'Cause that's all you're getting
Before he hangs himself with a thick string
I wrote this all just now with a rhyming dictionary and a pen .
Dec 2014 · 435
Ezio Dinotrin
Naomie Dec 2014
Can your cold hands
Revive my dead heart ?
Can your cold soul
Tear mine apart ?

Dream for me
Of desire and pain
Dream a being
Of loneliness and vain.

Let the days
Burn forever.
Let the cage
Stop your endeavor.

Find me in
A sorrowful place.
Look for me in
A horrible state .

Trapped in a burning hell
How long have I been here ?
I can't tell
I am a dying monster , dear* .
Dec 2014 · 311
The Garden
Naomie Dec 2014
Golden apples
Ripe and sweet
Tall trees
Meet sin's defeat

How I wish
That those ripe apples
Would fall into my
Clean dish

For me to have
Fully eaten
Satan's sin
In the Garden of Eden
Dec 2014 · 505
The Unsung Song
Naomie Dec 2014
She wrestles with the keys
Unwilling to stop
Trying to run with the music
Until she's ready to drop .

Playing a Runic tune
She's getting restless too
Something is stirring
Like water against a spoon.

Toxic fumes , poisonous flames
Darkness surrounds the hands that are playing
Ready to take over the sweet dame
She's in a panicking state , while the music is agitating .

Run , maiden , run
' But the song isn't done '
The girl is gone but secretly
Hands play the song that remains unsung
Dec 2014 · 417
Cats & Dogs
Naomie Dec 2014
We are the definition
Of self - corrupt
We are the new  definition
Of dangerous .

We've turned into animals
Wild and untamed
We've turned into devils
Demonic and insane .

Mutants of cats & dogs
Even if our elders
Seem to grieve
Perfection is something we'll never achieve
Dec 2014 · 239
Counting Out Loud
Naomie Dec 2014
                                    I hate you
You love me .

                                  I want you
To leave.

                                    I want you
To feel okay .

                                   Drink away
The stormy pain** .
Naomie Dec 2014
Her blade is the one
                                                 that slits your throat .
His blood is the one
                                                  that gives her a red coat .

Her breast are the ones
                                                 that lure you in .
The biggest room is where
                                                 the torture will begin .

The sheets are the ones
                                                 that muffle a scream .
The lights are the ones
                                                  that causes a dead eye's gleam.

Beware , beware
                                                  of the woman in red .
For she is the forsaken
Last poem of the year ♥
Dec 2014 · 272
Into the Sky
Naomie Dec 2014
Into The Sky

I wish to live in the Sky

and Watch the birds fly by .

Drink from Cotton Clouds

and Think about how life would be if I stayed on Human grounds' .

~ Naomie
Dec 2014 · 492
Naomie Dec 2014
Falling stars fall into my eys

Leaving me with a big surprise

The world is dark but within holds

A story waiting to be told

Falling warriors and falling grace

Peple falling on their face

The lively hearts that begin to love

Will now know falling is all they are capable of

Falling , might be good for you

It may help with the pain too

Now you'll know never to trust

A falling heart that is filled with lust

Falling into lakes , swimming about

Falling into hatred , flailing about

Falling into another world , wondering about

Falling is all that we can do

~ Naomie

— The End —