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 Oct 2022 kyla marie
 Oct 2022 kyla marie
I only write,
I am in love
Falling apart.
 Sep 2022 kyla marie
 Sep 2022 kyla marie
Press me against you
Like flowers in a book
The doctor said that poetry's not good for me
and that I should get out more,

little does he know
that I am out,
come rain, come shine and
just to make it rhyme,
come snow.

This is my contribution.
Deep breath in
Deep breath out
Plaster a head-turning smile on your lips
Build up your perfect façade
I am strong
No you are not
I am fine
No you are not
I can handle it
No you cannot
Don't think about it
Think about it
Don't cry
I am-
 May 2014 kyla marie
Fenix Flight
I miss you, I miss the friend I once had in you. {Deleted, never sent}

I heard our song today, the one I Danced my solo to. {Deleted, never sent}

I was looking at my mothers pictures and came across our prom picture. {Deleted, never sent}

I was looking through my sisters room and found your old old navy shirt, it still smells like you. {Deleted , never sent}

I really miss going to your family christmas parties, I felt so accepted there. {Deleted, never sent}

Did you know I still hold on to the necklace you gave me? {Deleted never sent}

Did you know I still sleep with the tiger you gave me every once in a while? {Deleted, never sent}

Hey it's me again, Thanks for giving me your black sweatshirt its so cold here in the winter and your sweatshirt is so warm. {Deleted, never sent}

Do you ever think about me? Think about the friends we use to be? {deleted, never sent}

Will we ever be friends again? *{Deleted, never sent}
this is to my ex, I am very happy with my Fiance,
and although I dont wish to get back together with my ex
I still miss him becuase we were best friends before we started dating
and I miss that friendship
 May 2014 kyla marie
David Bojay
gets up from chair, and breathes in deeply

     people are made up of so many things, it's amazing

     1. Oxygen
     2. Carbon
     3. Hydrogen
     4. Nitrogen
     5. Calcium
     6. Phosphorus
     7. Potassium
     8. Sulfur
     9. Sodium
    10. Magnesium

  i guess paying attention in biology did pay off

    i remember when i was 11 years old my brother showed me a movie clip where Charlie Chaplin spoke in-front of tons of people

  he said "we think too much and feel too little".... i finally understand

and if you feel sad, i hope you can find a therapist, or i hope you can afford a 12 pack of beer at the liquor store to ease what you feel right then

  *walks out the house

                       looks around and smiles

i found hope on the corner of arapaho and shiloh, it was 7:32 pm, i remember because i texted myself saying "dude you're finally happy"

no more desires of being dead ever came to mind

   i found out what a man i can be if i pushed myself and loved without regretting, without being scared of falling for things for the wrong reasons

i found out to learn everything and grasp whatever came my way even if it brought me to my knees

   i'm going to die fulfilled

                         i feel like rhyming, sorry, i'm not a good rhymer, but here i go....

          garden of green leaves
               glistening tress
   scented hives, buzzing bees
               we lie under shaded trees
    we pray to who we're afraid to deceive
             if we do, we rot even if we pleaded on our knees
    summer breeze, ******* and THC
            don't leave
  addictions are hard to let go when i love you like grinded holy mary ****

   i'm not a good rhymer, i think the song that goes like "versace versace versace versace versace"

was better than what i just w. r. o. t. e.


   it's getting dark, i need to go to sleep

*turns off light
doodling with words
I’m still trying to tell you
I can’t make you understand
The way I hurt
The way I hate
Not you, I love you
I will tell you you’re perfect
Until your ears bleed
And you want me to go away
But I will never believe
The words you say
You’re pretty,
You’re beautiful
But you’re a liar
No one would ever say the
I know I am
I see myself every day
I know I’m not perfect
I know I’m not good enough
Stop lying and stop repeating
All that crap
You make me want
To run away
Now I hate you too
For lying to me.
Shut the hell up.
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