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 May 2017 sea hum
chasing rain
you tended to parasites,
thinking they were blossoms.

you expected them
to grow around
and into
the person
i used to be.

you expected something beautiful.

but now,
vines are constricting me,
growing around me,
curling inside me.

insects are scuttling on me,
through me,
they are a part of me.

i am made up
of parasites,
of weeds,
and wilted flowers.

everything good in me
has been devoured by
everything bad you've cultivated.  

(i reach out to you,
hoping you will feed me
with praises,
with smiles,
with gentle intentions.)

but you water me
with hurtful words,
disappointed gazes,
and angry actions.

you expect
a paradise
in me,

and you are disappointed
when you see a barren wasteland
in the person
i was supposed to be.

and i am disappointed
because i cannot grow
the way you want me to
with the way
you nurture me.
 May 2017 sea hum
Used To
 May 2017 sea hum
Depression isn't what you think.
It's not slicing wrists and crying.
Not for everyone.
Sometimes it's just a heavy blanket.
You get your work done.
Mostly, anyway.
But you don't leave your room.
You don't leave your bed.
You tell your boyfriend you're going to bed early, but you sit awake for hours.
You get a watermelon from the kitchen and eat it in bed with a spoon.
Lights off, juice dripping down your face.
Watermelon used to taste good.
Sleep used to be easy.
 May 2017 sea hum
 May 2017 sea hum
 May 2017 sea hum
Moon that rests in a sky so dim,
Take my soul and wipe my teary rim.
Pull me up, to a hight so far.
That when I reach, I can touch a star,
Keep me safe, when I fear abyss;
All it takes is a loving kiss.
Let me stay, till the world is lost.
I'll leave my heart, if its the only cost.
Then when I may stand on my own two feet,
Send me off, so the next world I can meet.
#Poetfreak #moon #life #strength
 Mar 2017 sea hum
the lost girl
It's not important,
what I'm feeling
mind's full of sirens
but I'm healing
a bell still ringing
but I am leaving
to sail inside blues
as my raft's sinking
I'm looking for truce
for every piece of truth
but light's so far away
cause I murdered
my dreams today
without light
without hope
I'm going
through this road
in the eye of the storm...
light can be considered as God
I'm looking for God
but somehow he's not
looking for me
 Mar 2017 sea hum
hazem al jaber
Madly in love.....

my sweetheart...
tried to forget you...
but forgot myself...
tried to move away from you...
but lost my way...

how could i forget you...
while the echo of your voice still in my ears...
how to get away from you...
while your vision follow me wherever i go...
even hug me ....

however i tried to move away from you...
my longing increased so much to you...

however i tried to forget you...
your voice get me back...
your vision takes me back to our lovely memories...

seeing you in my eye...
seeing you with every thing i look to...
living inside me...
owned me...
owned this heart which belongs now to you...

after this all...
can i, and even for just a thinks...
can i forget you...
can i move away from you...
from you , my sweetheart...
no, never...
it's only just an illusions...
it's ,just....

do you know why...
you owned my feelings...
you controlled on my heart...
and drove me and my feelings so crazy...
stopped its only just for you...

became not seeing anyone...
only just your picture in my eye...
a thinks stopped ...
just been only about you...
my ears became deaf about any voice...
except yours...
my pen dried up...
just writes about you and for you...
a speech stopped...
except about your name...
even yells so high with yours...

i knew a love with you...
and learnt a passion from you...
and got lost in this love ,which its you...
did i became madly ,crazy in love with you...
or became captured by you...

by: hazem al Jaber ...
 Mar 2017 sea hum
Bianca Reyes
Please remember to break me gently
Take your sharp tongue and slice me tenderly
With your offenses destroy me lovingly
Never allow yourself to confuse abuse with love. Love yourself above all

Copyright under Bianca Reyes
All rights reserved
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