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Mark Toney Mar 2020
~A parody inspired by "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost~

Two drunks converged in a crowded bar
And sorry that I knew them both
And be one patron, long I stared
Looking out for each I really cared
As both of them bent I swore an oath;

I helped the one, and deemed it fair
He having perhaps the better claim
His eyes more glassy and worse for wear
Though the other also was passed out there
In reality both wasted about the same.

And both next morning equally lay
In heaps their missteps left them in.
Oh, I wished them both a better day!
Yet knowing how wine can make you stray,
I concluded they both would repeat their sin.

Forever I’ll be telling this with a sigh
Everywhere ages and ages hence:
Two drunks converged in a bar, and I—
I helped the one most weakened by,
Stirred but not shaken in diffidence.

© 2020 by Mark Toney.  All rights reserved.
2/24/2020 - Poetry form: Parody - A parody inspired by "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost. The title may remind you of 007, James Bond's penchant for martinis. Bond's preference was "shaken, not stirred" and reversed it for my title. Now you know the method to my madness ;) - © 2020 by Mark Toney. All rights reserved.
Michael Stefan Feb 2020
Mr. Frost, so prolific that you are
I was hoping that you could advise
For I find myself in a yellow wood
And I too am but just one traveler
My two feet can only tread in one direction

And I long to leave a black boot mark
While I continue down the right path
Leading me so expertly to destiny
But much like you, obstacles arise
But unlike you, my path further divides

Where you stood before a fork
I now spy a great and twisted rake
That fills me with impending dread
Paths varied in their wear and tear
From paved to grassy, or overgrown

Mr. Frost, here is my dilemma
You chose the path less traveled
And it made all the difference in your life
But how can one traveler ever know
Which specific path for them is right?
I truly love Robert Frost and figured that I would write a poem dedicated to his prolific "The Road Not Taken".  It was so beautiful and genius in it's crafting and delivery.  I have always wondered what it would be like with more than one path.  I think in today's technological and complex world, we are constantly assaulted by numerous decisions that echo through the rest of our lives.  R.I.P. Robert Lee Frost.
IZ J Jun 2019
There was a brown haired regional manager on my tv screen
There was an empty Reese’s blizzard cup in my left hand
There was my mother still out front of the house in her car


There was my college bound brother sitting on the couch watching alone

I began walking up the wooden staircase
Making my way to my room

The place where I would
Shut my door
Grab my phone
And leave my family behind like always

I’m telling you this without a sigh
And I’m telling you this with no regrets
The story of a staircase

An after ice cream staircase
On an after ice cream night

A staircase my feet didn’t touch  
As I chose to sit on a couch
And spend silently spent and silently recognized time
With my silently recognized role model

And that has made all the difference
Jasmine Tran Mar 2016
I have been wandering around
Through time, through life
Through all the cold lonely nights
Wondering where lies
The meaning of life.
I was told that the meaning of life lies in the road worth taken.
But as eternal return does not exist
We can never be sure how our lives gonna turn out if we have chosen the road not taken.

— The End —