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Zywa Jul 2019
If I own something,

it's time, to pay attention –

but it eludes me.
"Epistulae morales ad Lucilium" ("Letters about ethics to Lucilius", AD 65, Lucius Annaeus Seneca)

Collection "Known"
Zywa Jul 2019
Reassuring yourself by silencing
others with statements
about life: your only certainty

Maybe there is more, should we
prepare ourselves, ignorant
of what, except for that
meaningless dying

as if that were our goal
or the outcome of our life
as if

the animals and plants that live
to live and otherwise would not
exist, do not matter

Once, it stops, apparently
there is no beginning without an end
and predestined we flutter on
like flailing summer birds
Summervogel (Summer bird) = butterfly

Collection “Summer birds”
Zywa Jul 2019
Look, a dragonfly

reflects the sun in a flash –

then… nothing is left.
Utnapishtim (1700 BC, in: The story of Gilgamesh [Old Babylonian version])
Arihant Verma Jul 2016
I breathe fine, so much I saw a deer kiss a lion.
I was dancing on my bed when I fell and my eyes
Perched upon the stars, the guitar felt being driven
By the magmas of undulating plasmas of creation.

The skyline, the star line , the jawline smile,
There goes a man, there! comes a child. In the
supermarket of emotions I sit down on the aisle
of mountains, plaid shirt on my chest, I breathe fine.

City of dreams, city of creams, of murmurs and screams,
there! Goes a tie and there! Goes the lie,
in the air, in the past. Down the road and on,
roads meet, cross happy and die, but
does ever a mason stop when he has been cut?

I find time losing everything in my mind
Remembering all my life is just a game.
Time, I don’t have too much time, places
I will ever find, are awaiting me.

Pretzels in the pocket got tumbled
with the pocket watch, the locket that
somebody gave to me still hangs
like the eternity of temporary end.

12 is my number, of my jersey’s, of many days
that I had such that something happened. 13th
is my father’s, and no he is not a demon.
I share it with him. I had it from him from the
league of legacy that few people take pride in having.

— The End —