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Esther L Krenzin Jun 2018
I'm still here after all this time
As my heart cries out within me
Pushing the crushing sorrow away
So that I may finally be free
Looking up at the stormy sky
Wondering if it will ever fade
Excluded from the sun
And drowning in the rain
"What have I done?" I cry
Eyes blurred by tears
Seeking answers around me
Fighting away my fears
Crumbling heart fails
Stony façade drops
Fragile soul shatters
As the pain stops
Replaced with numbness
And age old feelings arise
Tearing me apart
Blinded by demise
But I'm still here...
Oh I'm still here...
After all of this time...

-Esther L. Krenzin-
Your still here. So am I.
It will be okay.
You will be okay.
Caleb Reeves May 2014
Turn the corner
Hand tenses
Looking down the iron sights I see an object fall
"Tango down" I call over the radio
what was his name? Tango, Threat, Terrorist, doesn't matter.
Mud brick wall vaporized into dust
Keep going
Out of breathe
Keep going
Hand tenses
"Tango down"
Does it have kids? A Family? Threat eliminated
Round the corner
Hand tenses
"Three tangos on west building roof top"
Bullets from my brothers **** by my helmet
Return fire
"Take Cover!"
Sweat drenched face fogs up my goggles
Brick pieces pummel my back
Ears ringing, faintly hearing
"Alpha down, Medic!"
Blurred vision, equilibrium thrown off
Raise my rifle
Hand tenses
Silhouette falls
"Medic!" heard faintly
Hand tenses
"Are you okay?" sounds distant
Hand tenses
"babe?" getting louder
Hand tenses

Hand tenses

Wake up
Sheets heavy with sweat
"Babe, are you ok?"
Throwing the blankets I jump back to the edge of the bed
Her frightened face
I've seen before
I look down
Hands tense
Same look, no tangos
No threats
Just Ghosts

— The End —