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LylexRose Jun 2018
Listen, everyone who out in crowd, the people who heard me sing so loud, playing it out loud, my life is one with no shroud...

We start off without our cheques, but like I love to say "that's just life I reckon"!, Now I'm on a whole other spectrum, they don't see it coming, coming through looking like the A team, so don't waste your life, choose what you wanna be, and guess that happens when you go and handle business yeah, I've switched from style to style until I have no style left, work for this to work out, love with no theft, chasing the feelings until there's nothing left, ParCellio's my name, it's how I'm to be addressed, spend my days, my ways are blessed, and I'll move to the west so my words can't be suppressed and I'll float with the waves, I'm so immunosuppressive...

This is how I'll spend my days...
Ride my thoughts like these waves...
Life onto the west coast ways...
And now seen it all...
Before I hit my grave...

A paradise, to be realised, and be with my kind, up all night to see the sunrise, lead a life of surprise, days gone by with no lies, everyone who lives put hands to the sky, everybody just go with the flow, no need to analyse, you know my ego could do with a downsize, you know I'm **** at singing but ya'll know I can harmonise, had a pretty ****** life but there's no need to sympathise, put my soul into this music it's something I prioritise...

This is how I'll spend my days...
Ride my thoughts like these waves...
Life onto the west coast ways...
And now seen it all...
Before I hit my grave..

Our waves, our breathing, our time, our cheating, this life, my dreaming, our lies, your thieving, now just imagine you caught your wife cheating, and stop thinking, look after that feeling, all you gotta do is trust me, you knew her actions were misleading, but you can't stop breathing, these thoughts are appeasing, one to one I'm believing, sleeping for long you almost left your dreams, these are the lessons I'm teaching, these are the hymns I'm preaching, the followers I'm feeding, this music keeps my heart beating, and my body keep bleeding, giving my life meaning, it's the stars receiving, and it's all I want, help me...
LylexRose Jun 2018
Sitting for you, ears to the confession box,
Praying to the Lord, how did this happen?, it's all I can ask. I gave my everything, now it's a funeral, I can't take this anymore, I am the tribunal. Sleeping these workless nights, working this worthless life, play along like it's alright; hate me, hate you, all these lies, there's always two sides of the fight, I wish you wouldn't say things, counting my time at the edge of a knife, but why am I complaining that's just life.

That's just life, my lifestyle
I not complaining you've been gone a while,
And through this ****, I just smile
Now we're out of time but I guess that's life.

I know it's not the real you but don't get me wrong I feel you, by the time you forgive me I'll be up in the clouds, blowing up my phone, but I wanna phone home, and after I've run with it, I'm done with it, done with this ****, don't even say it, you think im different, it's *******, you feel it, your flat line, this story's mine, you won't steal my lines, and if you ask me if I'm fine I'm a just say "consider our lies". But let's just keep our disguise, but all I ask is you stay the **** away from my family, it's my mistake, and now it's too late.

That's just life, my lifestyle
I not complaining you've been gone a while,
And through this ****, I just smile
Now we're out of time but I guess that's life.

I've already passed you, I'll stop at nothing keep these clowns away from you, but now I'm done playing, time taking, Lord praying, move away an, I got no brakes, no faking, **** stating, sweet caking, ***** slaying, disobeying, blow weighing, I'mma blaze it, it's crazy, and now I'm the one who blew it, she knew it, I'll admit, I've split, if I say something I will do it, talk no ****, musical misfit, who don't listen to hypocrites, and they're *******, we knew it, she knew it, I knew it, but now done with it, my face you'll never see it, don't look for me, there's no need, I'm the only Identikit...
LylexRose Jun 2018
Trying to replace what we had, alone
These useless feelings I had for you, alone
Now I'm lost without you, alone
Never regretted it was to soon, alone
We would've flow round the universe, but left you on the moon...
How now, the passion we had is gone...
These useless feelings that I had for you, alone.

Now they see me praying at the world's edge, I've come to realise, hanging from the words you said. You say "being a musician is pointless". Is that you how feel, is that how you picture me, I'm guessing that success is something you and I look at differently.

I don't care what you want, I don't care what you think, the ice we walk on is getting incredibly thin. Think about that for one minute, I'm praying to the horizon, don't judge me, I've seen it. 5 months straight, all this time I was feeling nothin', all those times I told you I loved you, you should've guessed by now that I was bluffing. I knew full well I'll leave you broken hearted, we know we shouldn't have done this, but ***** don't get me started.

Trying to replace what we had, alone
These useless feelings I had for you, alone
Now I'm lost without you, alone
Never regretted it was to soon, alone
We would've flow round the universe, but left you on the moon...
How now, the passion we had is gone..
These useless feelings that I had for you, alone.

Hey now leave it to me, my life, a life you'll never see, before you open your mouth just know I'm trying do this respectfully, so this is my message, and I swear it's a blessing, I don't know how to do this without it me being the one you're  blaming, how can you ******* treat me like your the only one who is being affected. So I stand strong and I won't be quiet; **** all the replying and I'm the one trying to keep this **** in the private, but just so you know I'm not gonna sit here in silence.......

 Trying to replace what we had, alone
These useless feelings I had for you, alone
Now I'm lost without you, alone
Never regretted it was to soon, alone
We would've flow round the universe, but left you on the moon...
How now, the passion we had is gone, alone...
These useless feelings that I had for you, alone...
LylexRose Jun 2018
Woke up in my bed again, alone again, so many thoughts going through my head, "Work is for life" is that what I said, of course it is I love this music with a pledge, if ******* what your feeding me then I'm well fed, you look a little lost or maybe your scared, but I don't think you understand me, the last thing on my minds a grammy, oh what's wrong you mad at me, you sad to see, that instead of you I'll always choose family.

Walk up to the microphone
Open myself to this crowd
I see myself as a child
But they can't tell I've got my head in the clouds.

But thanks to you I've created my own style, rapping about things that have made me cry, I've worked so much I've crushed my mind, you leave me on the grind and I'll leave it all behind... but I am not the one you want to **** with, I come to the show with my gold out, thongs out, I'm in the zone now, zoned out, my sound, with my hands bound, in my hometown, that's all I've got now, but there you go, I know it's not the real you but don't get me wrong I feel you and with that look in your eyes saying they know. 

Walk up to the microphone
Open myself to this crowd
I see myself as a child
But they can't tell I've got my head in the clouds.

You've got to understand that what they say,  "It cant be that hard" and "it's about word play", if that's how they see it then it's time to stay away, and for all the **** the people are saying, all the fees I'm paying, looking for the same product in a different place, they think this is easy, I'm going at my own pace, how can they know how hard I've worked for this, you expect me to stand with the fans of God who keep *******, y'all wanna join me but I just can't do it, I'd rather be myself, feel how I feel and take no ****, so let's take a step back, I can sense it, rules don't apply for me, no side chicks, I'd take everything for myself and with the look in my eyes saying that I made it......
LylexRose Apr 2018
Take for granted, but I don't understand it
Complaints, Distaste, it stays the same
Everyday, everytime, a reluctant related relevant memory, losing me in body and mind.

"Who?, What?, Why? And where? All your lil indisgersions, playing with no meaning, your existence I cannot bear.

I'll answer no questions with money jumping, no magic while I stunt you.

The vision of you, leaves you with a taste of blood to the mouth, The pinnacle of a intentional unintelligent take over, if so, try to figure me out.

Living life surrounded by haters, all different flavours but never waver, it's doing me no favours.

When you look at me, and cannot see, all the pain I've been through, you just want me to ill out, don't you?

Our relationships so thin, you've left a grade A story on my skin.

Samuel offend, no?!, you stupid **** ***** I just deliver the post!

Remember all the times to helped, OH WAIT never you *****, so *******, I'll do it on my own and I'll be rich.

You thought you were hard and you scared me but I this time you couldn't see that you were just a freak to me.

Tearing me apart like a self destructive embalmer, Stolen back my body and mind from one I once called mother.

You destroyed our lives in everyway, you're in my head, a head you cannot stay.

I know it's a sad song, but I'm better off without you and this I know.....

— The End —