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Jamie Sep 2019
Beautiful brown eyes,
She leaves me so mesmerized,
Heart lost in her stare.
Haiku about her eyes. Those beautiful brown eyes.
Jamie Sep 2019
Late at night,
Holding her so tight,
It felt so right,
A true delight.

Seeming now so out of sight,
After our last slight,
Due to my lack of incite,
A moment without hindsight.

You are my light,
A burning sun so bright,
Casting away all fright,
Forcing my soul to ignite.

To once again be your knight,
For you I'll always fight,
With every once of my might,
For this, my hearts plight.

Always here waiting for your invite,
A chance for us to reunite.
I miss her each day, and wonder about her each night.
Jamie Sep 2019
Those eyes,
Still leave me mesmerized.
The way they look into me,
Connecting our hearts beautifully.
The way they warm my heart,
And tear my bad days apart.
The way they pull me in,
And light a fire within.
The way she winks,
And the way she blinks.
That beautiful brown,
Within which I can drown.
The eyes where I see true love,
My heart burns like the sun above...
It always took me by surprise, when my heart would get lost in her eyes.
Jamie Sep 2019
On those dimly lit streets,
We walked together for the first time.
Talked about our lives,
Our hopes, our dreams.
Nervously I reached out,
Shacking I grasped,
And found your hand.
You smiled and blushed,
What a rush.

You drew yourself in closer,
And settled yourself around my arm.
We continued to walk,
Time slipping away.
But nothing mattered there with you,
So many feelings rushing around.
We stopped at a corner,
Unable to decide what way to go.
We caught each others eyes,
Looked deeply at one another.
I drew in closer,
You leaned in to,
The sparks,
The tension,
The wonder,
The desire,
Your lips, my lips.

I moved in to see,
And love is what greeted me.
The softness of your lips,
The tenderness of your kiss,
The sweetness of the taste,
The feel of our embrace.
No moment has ever felt so real,
The truest thing I could feel..
The night we kissed, the sparks so real. I think back to this night, and no matter how things ended, it's a memory I'll always cherish.
Jamie Sep 2019
I am haunted by your form,
Its presence next to me,
You being only a memory.

My mind cant perceive,
The emptiness of my bed.
Something inside me yearns,
To have things the way they were.

The way your hand fit in mine,
The way we kissed goodnight.
The way your skin would feel,
The warmth was ideal.

The way we fit together,
But wanted to be closer.
The way I'd pull you in,
And you would kiss me as you grin.

The way I felt,
There with you,
Your body, my body,
Entwined and clued,
In love,
And for once whole.

That warmth,
That skin,
The smell,
Those lips,
The eyes,
The hips,
The hair,
A kiss.

This is what I believe,
Bliss would be.
Just there,
You and me.

This is what forever is to me,
This is all I need us to be.
This is where my heart belongs,
Forever the feeling that it longs.

Nothing else matters, or ever will,
Not till the day, you once again I feel...
The memories of her next to me each night, haunted by the desire to have something as simple as her cuddling me once again.
Jamie Sep 2019
When I'd wake, I'd see your face.
Covered in the suns embrace.
No care in the world in this place.
Getting up was no race.
Your soft skin next mine,
Your smooth black hair so fine,
Your cute stretch as you roll over,
Making me want to pull you in closer.
Giving me every reason to stay in bed,
Your presence swimming in my head.

As you crack a little smile,
My heart races a mile.
That perfect smirk,
As you try to get your eyes to work.
And it's those eyes,
That leave me mesmerized.
As you looked at me,
And seem so happy.
I'd feel my heart soar,
As it fills with the smile of the women I adore.
And when I'd hear your voice,
I'd have no choice.
To lean in for that morning kiss,
And start my day in pure bliss.
Remembering how amazing my mornings used to be when I was lucky enough to wake up next to her.
Jamie Sep 2019
Do you see, like me,
All the possibilities,
Forever, you, me....
I can see a future so full of possibilities, but I can't picture a future without her.
Jamie Sep 2019
Can you see what I see,
These endless possibilities.
The future that could be,
A forever, you and me.

Is it something you can imagine,
A feeling of hope within,
A spark,
Out of the dark,
That lights the flame,
Even through all this pain,
And brings us back together
To tough our storms in any weather.

Can you see my hand in yours,
As we face the rain that pores.
As we hold on so tight,
Our love burning bright,
To take on any fight,
And anything else in sight.

Can you see my heart fighting,
And my spirit rising,
Here I stand for you,
Something I'll always do.

No matter how long I'll have to wait,
There is no debate.
No other person can equate.
To how you and i feel like fate.
I wonder what we could be, I wonder if you see we still have so many possibilities.
Jamie Sep 2019
It wasn't at first sight,
But something did feel right.
I didn't yet understand my hearts plight.
As we trained and learned to fight.

It was when you laughed that you stole my gaze,
I became lost in your ways,
The way you were when your music played.
I was captivated as you trained,
So graceful,
Yet so playful.

The way she tied her long black hair into a bun,
The way she could joke around and have fun.
The way her worries washed away,
Each day,
As she came in and the door would sway,
She seemed as if she came to play.

Each day my heart grew fonder,
I was left there to ponder,
Will these feelings got stronger,
And my desires larger.

I wanted to see you everyday,
And so I tried to find the words to say.
And to you I would make my way,
At a Christmas party as you sway.
To the music, I moved to see,
If I could make it you and me.
You danced in the light of a Christmas tree,
I was overtaken by glee.
I asked you on date,
It all just felt like fate.
You said yes,
From here I felt we could progress.

Our first date was the gym,
Using your injured limb,
Teaching you to lift weights,
How to move all these plates.
I massaged your shoulder,
And thought, I have to hold her.
I asked you out once more,
As we walked towards the door.

More is what I needed,
Hoping my chances haven't fleeted.
You said yes one more time
And so began our storyline....
She just drew me in more and more each day, just being herself. I felt something so real I couldn't just sit back and do nothing.
Jamie Sep 2019
I have caused you great pain,
And I've done some damage.
I came in to this with too much baggage,
Even though I've gone through change
Your heart hasn't rearranged
And though the distance,
And silence
Is tearing me apart.
I would do anything
To mend your heart.
to hold you
Or see you
Or kiss you once more
You're the women I adore
I will stay afar
As it tears me apart
To wait for your heart.
I'll leave things ajar.
If I haven't broken it to far.
I will wish on a stars, and the powers above
To once more, call you my love.
I've made soo many mistakes, but I would do anything to make up for them.
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