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Lottie Apr 2015
I can smell the table,
Unlabled chemicals and acrid smoke
Radiate off it as though it was still on fire

I can hear the violin,
Unbearably beautiful and haunting
Echoing around at three in the morning

I can hear the voice,
Hollowed out and crackling
While you phone and tell me you're a fraud

I can see the body,
Broken up and bleeding
Because the world just seemed too hard

I can touch the gravestone,
Freshly polished and gleaming
As I ask for one more miracle, Sherlock.
Nathan Sun Jul 2014
You've been
The only thing
That makes me feel
Not dead

I can't say alive
I can't call this living
But not living

You make me feel as though
I have a reason
And for you
I will do my best
To live

— The End —