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neko-nae Feb 2016
The Earth
is the Mother
beneath my feet--

in her eyes,
I am sturdy
with my toes
squishing dirt
beneath my soles--

the Sun is my Father
always watching,
radiating Light to
guide my way,
as he's done
since I was small--

his lady wife,
Mother Luna of the night
guiding my dreams
and watery feelings
as I swim through lakes
of passion, and climb
steep mountains of fear
before jumping
through the sky--

my guides are always
there, comforting me
in their safe embrace--
Feeling Spirit heavily today as I make it through Monday. (02.01.2016)
Sarah Helen Jun 2015
The grey wolf is a wildly adventures animal with a dangerously free spirit.
Loyal creatures they hunt in packs, and at night they come together to howl at the mother moon.
Mother moon is always listening to all her creatures on earth.
Connecting them closer to their surroundings.
The moon brings a frost in the air freezing the trees at night.
Wolves are explores by nature they roam the lands.
Predators running through the forest addicted to the feeling of dirt, snow, and various plants between their paws.
The wolves howls fill the air the of the quiet forest.

— The End —