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I refuse to dance around the words
"I love you."
The power that you awaken in my soul
gives those words upon my tongue
a meaning,
a sign,
a call to arms because
two months is long enough
to live out years of memories.

I look into your eyes and I see
the world glittering before me.
Those grinning cheeks that stole my heart away
like a thief remind me of what we have,
and it's special.
No special concoction or solution
could possibly dilute such a strong connection.
Not even Einstein could crack the code
to the lock that binds us together.

In this time of
"hands off"
"it's mine"
we finally have something that we can call
and it's **beautiful.
This is from the depths of my love-drenched soul. Enjoy :)

— The End —