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JAC Jun 2017
I walked her down to the train
Which I know I shouldn't have
But, see, it was starting to rain
But I know, I shouldn't have.

I just like to watch her walk
And watch her cheeks turn red
Listening to her lovely talk
Even if it's just in my head.

We used to talk
We did, it's true
But now we don't
Which is probably why I'm with you.

I walked you down the subway stairs
Hoping it was us we'd find.
Like I used to, I carried all your cares
Like a train, trailing behind.

We got to the train, and you nodded goodbyes
But as the doors sighed, I stepped inside
You didn't say anything, which was an odd surprise
We used to do this, when in you I'd confide.

We sat in silence
Beside you, I was
It was the closest I'd been to you
Since we ended things, because...
Oh, well.

Searching for something stupid to say,
I muttered, "I don't regret it."
She whispered, "What?" and I looked away.
It was childish, but I let out, "Forget it."

But then I looked back,
And said, "I don't regret us. Even though..."
("Clickety-clack," said the tired train track)
"... Even though we ended like we did, you know."

She looked at me with eyes that said nothing and everything
And the words stumbled off of her tongue,
"I don't either, though I wish I did,
Then it would be easier."

I reached for her hand
(Which was a stupid idea)
But she let her fingers lace
Between mine, in case
I really did let her go.

— The End —