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gabrielle Jun 2019
i've risen
from the depths of my despair
i've chosen
you still of my love incompared
i've written
the stars of mine
and you, you've not shared
i've been hurt
of the times you weren't there

i'm forever lost
by you
i never knew where

my eyes is open
for you
for real
comin back
Masha Yurkevich May 2019

If evolution really works,

then why do mothers only have

two hands?

Dealing with us, they need a couple thousand of them. :)
Masha Yurkevich May 2019

I have three sides:

1. The quiet, sweet, and shy side.
2. The fun, loud, and crazy side.
3. The side you never want to see.

I think we all have side NÂș 3.
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