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Joshua Penrod Nov 2016
Leave Me Be

I never wanted anymore then what it was I asked for.
I'm tired of waking up thinking about you
And losing sleep doing the same.
This isn't what you want every time you speak,
But you want nothing more every time you act.
There isn't much I want, and even less I need,
I hope in speaking action I can ask you to

Leave Me Be

This whole ordeal takes the nostalgia out of my coffee cup
And pushes me away just as much.
Soft and gentle is how I tried to let you down,
For it would be best on both ends, if you might simply

Leave Me Be

Turning my back on someone like you, I could have never done
But, here and now have forced my steps.
Oh if I were a man who could commit to resolution,
Little do I know, I am.
Resolute all right now I will ever need is for you to

Leave Me Be

So love me in truth and love me in lies or love me not at all.
In any direction the leaves may fall,
We fall opposite forever and always.

I wont talk of heaven or forces of God,
For those I don't claim to see.
But, what I know and tried to show
Above all and underneath the in-between
This is not a request as much as a need.
I wish I could hate to say this but please
Learn to,

Leave Me Be

— The End —