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poet ninja Sep 2015
no one ever tell us bout the dark side of life*
the pain never really ends,
its like a stabbing pen,
on this heart of mine...
silent screams that ring into the night...
no one hears....its echoes over and over with all its might..
if only life was simple....cruising through; smelling roses instead of obstacles blackening the countryside....
dreams sustain us through the madness....
the whirlwind, 3ring mayhem and pandemonium of this so called life...
yet amidst the turmoil... angels are sent...
the people we met, whom we love shaped our destiny,
held us on through love, strength and hope...
the bond we formed will make the path a little less lonely......cherish the short intervals,God's gift to you.......but in the end.... you will have to travel alone......that is also true....

— The End —