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For you,
I feel an ancient yearning
Baked into my bones
A cosmic ache-
A prehistoric hunger-
A primitive pining

It’s a supernatural connection—
Mine and yours—
A rest-the-vessel,
Sacred sort of love

Because betwixt us,
There is a longing
Only the moon
No — only god, herself  
And all her sapphic sovereignty
Could resist

There is a glowing desire
So fervent within us
That I wish I could reach into your Heavenly Body
And pull out your stars  
And thread them into the nest of my womb

An immortal, galactic romance—
Ours is—
Fit for gallery halls and poetry readings
And woven with all the glittery things  
But it’s Roommates, they’ll call us
Roommates, reads our plaque

Not lovers, nor sweethearts
Not partners, nor darlings
No lust
No lore
The saga of us, enduring no more

Celestial stains and divine shame
Roommates, we’ll remain
So we’ll guard this holy matrimony,
We’ll let our lovers’ anthem die
We know the truth is in the stars
We know who lives a lie
A nod to queer erasure in history and a commentary on the current political climate
Carlo C Gomez Mar 14
✓My favorite weapon
✓Bikini ski boat
✓Fluorescent sand
✓Her eyes immaculate
✓Keys to the prophet's house
✓Emotional screening device
✓1 cup of sun, 3 teaspoons of rain
✓Third world treasure map & saxophone
✓Alternate flightpaths
✓Extra parachute
✓Mediocre Shakespeare
✓Poison pen letters
✓Getaway car & escape route
✓Ladies in waiting (in lingerie)
✓Subterranean lips
✓A pinch of film noir
✓Night vision
✓Antarctic scenarios
✓Fountain of remembrance
✓Policy of containment
✓Silhouette machine
✓Water wings
Shamik Mar 13
I do believe this world is mine,
A realm of one—my butler and I.

My butler, not a servant, but a caretaker,
Equal to any man, as all men are.

No status, no wealth, no pride
He exists, helps, and devotes to his work
Committing no crime
Just as I am a man
Except I am all the things a ruler is
As nasty and cold as a man gets with a mountain full of gold
I think I cannot  grow frail and old
For what one calls a dream, divine,
Is but a slow demise of mine.
As for my caretaker, he shall be the wealthiest man who ever lived
This is a fiction open-to-interpretation poem
Dom Feb 26
Like allergens
I’m puffy-faced,
Annoyed by the presence.
Hoping you catch the drift
Before I blow my nose like a car horn
“Out of my way”
Always with your static traffic
Conjecture and loose metaphors.

Temper on the rise like the temperature
And the temperament I use could quell a blade
Lest you challenge the sharpness of my tongue
And the ways I can cut you with precision.

Fractal pieces
Of broken mirror
Shows you and you alone
And you can’t face you
So how do you suppose I can?

No, you don’t seem to get this-
You’re parasitic like a leech
Or worse yet a bed bug
You infest with unwanted reverie,
And spread your insipid tragedies
******* my oxygen - and I’m asthmatic
So I puff on the albuterol like a lit cigarette
I hope you get the drift.

You don’t
No, you can’t read a room
Third-grade level intellect
Wrapped in middle-aged mold,
A pustulant excrement that speaks flatulence
And I can smell you from across the street.

Just shh…
Take it somewhere else,
Let me herd you to a new shepherd
I have no use for a lolcow,
The milk is sour and you’re not my kind of cheese
Sleazing on anything that breathes,
You’d breed with a steer if it had the parts
Create a satyr as dim-witted as you,
At least then I could use this buckshot.

Memory will forget you
Like history missed you,
Nothing garnered or gained
A name that means nothing,
Just pass like wind -
And cease your prattling.

I care not.
The internet could have freed us.

Now we know for sure it doesn't need us.
Endless babbling repeated tropes.
Posted by morons and losers and brain dead teen aged dopes.
Vacuous and vague , nothing said nothing heard.
Not a thought nothing original
not a word.
the truth is often a bitter pill...mmm mm eat up suckas
Graeme Feb 1
Are we free anymore? I’ve asked myself lately,
Sure, it seems so, but a few things are shady,
Well, more than a few; in fact most of our lives
Are controlled and well-governed like dogs kept on lines.

Last week my own neighbor was caught and arrested
For owning plants curing her cancer, depression,
Science speaks truth but the Law doesn’t mind
Their care is your sentence, not the healing inside.

We’re ruled by fear, I’ve come to conclude
It’s limiting consciousness, limiting mood
Forced to pay off all those bills in the mail
Or they’ll haul you away to community jail.

It’s not always this way—look at it like this,
We do have a large sum of freedom as kids,
We can eat, speak, dress, and play how we please
Before the real world arrives, subjugating this ease.

“Get good grades in school, be quiet, and listen,
Better cut the tomfoolery or end up in prison,
Repent all your sins or you can’t go to Heaven”
...Are drilled in our heads by the time we reach seven.

Yes, it is fear; now much clearer to me,
Yet sadly too subtle for the masses to see,
Some of us hope that things will get better,
So we dogs may finally stray from our tether.
Written on 2018-12-21. This was written for a high school poetry project.
Todd Sommerville Dec 2024
We don't need no education!
said every Gen X'er I know.

They should have said yes to
the education,
and no, to thought control.

We watch in exasperation as our,
World spins out of control.

We blame it on the boomers,
and they blame Millennials.

Why blame the children for the sins of their fathers.

While they shelter and cower,
in fear of the world they built.

It's time for you to live-
Or should I say die with your Guilt.

Trinity is near 80 years gone,
seems like everyone has a trigger for the bomb.

Let us all pray their addled brains,
or palsied fingers don't shake.

And blow up the whole ******* World,
By mistake!
Opening line from( Another brick in the Wall- Pink Floyd)
Title borrowed from the Who.
Poem was inspired by a poem Cloudydaze wrote entitled Thank You.
Michael Nov 2024
The luster has worn off
Revealing the worm eaten rot
Of unvarnished racism
Dom Nov 2024
the truest tragedy
of all poetry
is the fallacy
that every line you write
must be saddening.
irony is the counterculture of poetry.
i write death
to the community
and without a breath
the work is granted validity.
i write life
to the people
and without strife
my work is deemed feeble.

a poem is not a feeling
it's a moment.
there is no emotion
there is no reeling
it's not hopeless
it's not devotion
it's not healing.

your poem is now.
Todd Sommerville Nov 2024
A sign of the times,
Prince has left us and the world's gone blind.

This post-covid apocalypse is so

So many factions, only two teams remain,
Are you Red team or Blue?

I don't need your name.

Kiss me, **** me, it's all the same.

If my facts aren't your facts you must be to blame.

If my lies aren't your lies  you must be to blame.

Somebody please tell me why the world's gone insane.

I just want to shut out all the noise, and play Purple Rain.

I only wanna see you laughing in the Purple Rain.

Purple Rain

Purple Rain...
Hope everyone is singing along, it's impossible to feel bad while playing this song. I hope PRINCE is resting in peace right now.
this has been added to my you tube channel check it out.
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