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Fheyra May 2020
Golden bells,—bedight o'er towers—
Amidst the betrothing melody,
The touch of stained glass—
Beams the rosary beads
Binding me with a man held high;
Now to be crowned his wife.
     "My lord, lend me thy right hand,
      As thy loyal servant,—
       I vow to pledge our country."

The Moonlight Song,— let our haunches be mere pitches—
Of forests rocked by branches
Ah, my fatal reverie—
Savor this antique scenery,
With classic gothic frames,
And worn laces,—Peaking the figures'desires
Cradle me,—
And thou shalt drink my glass,—
To offer a sip;-- so to paint moist on windows.

Sunrise, leap me to this town!—
How gracious men and children,
I shalt dress all thee;-—Make a stronghold that prospers the needy;
Lest the void of promised land—
Wither the faith of mankind.

With the King's side,
Reformation sets the nation to affluence;
The bonfire relives the glorious centuries—
Never scorn, swords unfold!
The 2nd sequence or episode. In this part, she got married with the king, and their reign was a successful era. Anyway, the second stanza represents the honeymoon. The third stanza represents of how a genuine queen she is. The last one conveys the marvelous sovereign of their regime.
joyful bells resounded
on that spring wedding*
both the bride and groom
smiled with a happiness so

betrothal bonds of love
being theirs for an
a wonderful union
between two in

joyful bells resounded
on that spring wedding
both the bride and groom
smiled with a happiness so

lasting vows of devotion
spoken from the
a lifelong affection
not sundering

joyful bells resounded
on that spring wedding
both the bride and groom
smiled with a happiness so

exchanging the promise
of fidelity's
their marriage of
an unwavering

joyful bells resounded
on that spring wedding
both the bride and groom
smiled with a happiness so

— The End —