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Badshah Khan Feb 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust) – 49

BismillahIr RahmanIr Raheem

I ain’t an adept drinker,
When I see deep in your gleaming eyes.
I instantly become an adept drinker,
Oh My Dear Love!

I don’t gulp or pile the unique wine,
When I glimpse your moisty lips,
I miraculously found a vine cellar;
All by myself’ in your lips,
Oh My Dear Love!

Generously allow Me’
To unanimously ratify,
As an adept drinker,
Oh My Dear Love!

Therefore willingly I can soak.
In your eyes myself, As;
A confirmed drunkard,
Oh My Dear Love!

Allah Khair….. Khairul Rabul Alameen Yah Arrahmanur Yah Raheem

Ummah Thurab – Badshah Khan.
©UT-BK 2019
Rubayiat Al Thurab (Verses of the Dust)
George Krokos Oct 2017
'To err is to be human' is a saying spoken often enough
in one way or another to those people who get a rebuff.
It's a gentle chiding for errors done we can all safely accept,
so common in fact that nobody around claims to be an adept.
From "The Quatrains" ongoing writings since the early '90's
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