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Haunted faces from past sorrows,
deflect the pain of new tomorrows;
Which build historic ties with vanity,
while exposing dark tales of insanity.

Already feeding emotions' loss,
the timeless urge sustaining cost;
Of shuttered walls closing in on fate,
as their hallowed halls reverberate.

With every reckless movement seen,
our curious eyes caress the dream;
That powers strong and ruthless take,
whatever evil hearts can break.

Take it all in and breathe a sigh,
like children do after they cry;
The world is numb to wanton fears,
along the path which fire sears.

When in totality discovery reigns,
despite the lonely mountain range;
Which towers above in gilded edges,
yet wields the magic of future pledges.
Wherever one goes, the curious future follows, often quite strange in its revelations !
The spirits call us through the night,
and touch us with their heavenly light;
No longer shadows borne of fear,
their loving presence wanders near.

And when the song of love they sing,
lifts us up toward Christ the King;
We're changed in ways we never knew,
our hearts are grown and hence renewed.

With wonders of His angels' tunes,
that wander high beyond the moon;
Our empty souls become fulfilled,
which build a world so calm and still.

It's crystal clear at Easter time,
that hope evolves from ancient rhyme;
And grace provided from His death,
brings countless lives their sacred rest.
a Lenten piece, with thoughts of Christ's love and saving grace !
The sea appears before our eyes,
with tides that wash and sanctify;
And lifts our spirits toward the sun,
where golden rays connect as one.

They sanctify our souls within,
with crystal waters erasing sin;
And cleanse the ache of angry ire,
extinguishing all the raging fires.

While resting on the burning sands,
we contemplate our lives' demands;
With hearts aspiring to simplicity,
and Wills designed to set us free.

As we watch the rolling of the sea,
the tides tumbling fast and furiously;
We sense that angels rise above,
to demonstrate God's eternal love.
Hope springs eternally in the never-ending flow of the sea !
Good Morning, Good Noon,
Good Afternoon and Good Evening,

For Peace of Mind

Almighty God,
we bless you for our lives
we give praise to Thee
for Thy abundant mercy and grace we receive
We thank Thee for Thy faithfulness even
though we are not that faithful to Thee

Lord Jesus,
we ask Thee to give us all around
peace in our mind, body, soul, and spirit

we want Thee to heal and remove everything
that is causing stress, grief, and sorrow in our lives

please guide our path through life
and make our enemies be at peace with us
let Thy peace reign in our family,
at our place of work, businesses
and everything we lay our hands on.

Let Thy angels of peace go ahead of us
when we go out and stay by our side when we return.

In Jesus' name, Amen.

Anno Domini Tuesday the 5th of March 2019
@ 15.34 hrs. P.M. West-European Time
Go ahead and feel the breezes,
brought to us by the wind and rain;
As the rustling leaves tell their stories,
some of joy and some of pain.

They whisper nightly as dark descends,
upon our sleepy little town;
Forgive me now, they'll often ask,
not wanting to be left alone.

Tears drip softly from those trees,
as their leaves let go and fly;
To the yard in which the children play,
in crisp bundles towering high.

Wild laughter permeates the air,
as each child decides to climb;
And the rustling leaves feel solace now,
when finding their place in time.

Crackling red the Autumn glows,
a roaring fire in every tree;
Brisk waters from the rain above,
cannot dampen their energy.

For Nature gives its soul to us,
from visions that often stay;
Within our hearts for countless years,
and never drift far away.
the gift of Autumn is upon us with sights and sounds that glow, opening hearts around the town, feeding off the restlessness of Nature !
In wings of Amapola
I'm wrapped...a new seed found

Atop round midnight strands
circlets keep my dreams

I'm drunk, intoxicated
spring has poured right through my veins

I sit on dirt side dreams
The desert calls my name
For now, I sit, I wait
I watch through windowpanes

I watch my crystal world
Where butterflies are dancing
And hummingbirds are diving
They dive into white Lilies
then jump into Camellias
While Zinnias wait their turn

The lilacs look my way and tell me, "soon your turn...
Your turn is coming soon"
I smile...all I do
For now, I sit,
I wait... like Zinnias
wait their turn
Wrote when I had no choice, but to be in bed for daaaays! the longing to go outside, to feel the sun, to touch the soil
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