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 Dec 2014 Sydney Victoria
His adorable curiosity
Heartfelt sincerity
Rare honesty
His heart's purity

Bring them back to me...

His comforting words
The kind I've never heard
Seductive and mellifluous voice
His contentment,with me as his choice

Bring them back to me...

His arousing fantasies
Romantic gestures
Perfect heartache remedies
Keeping me safe with a mysterious vesture

Bring them back to me...

The warmth of his skin
Soft whispers in my ears
Infectious wide grin
His undying trust, gathering my tears

Bring them back to me...

I'm not ready for another chapter
It's miserably unbearable
I know YOU are there, so please answer
My prayer for a miracle...
#prayingforamiracle  #you #miss #tears
 Dec 2014 Sydney Victoria
When your hand is in mine
I feel all of heaven's divine
When you are close, the world is naught
Drowning in your love, a triumph is sought

You may be there, I may be here
No matter what they say, there is nothing I fear
No longer am I afraid to surpass a crossroad's uncertainties
You taught me to drop off my insecurities

*If kisses were raindrops, I'd send you showers
If hugs were seconds, I'd send you hours
If smiles were water, I'd send you the sea
If love is a package, I'd send you me.. * 

There must be someone else better for you
But you define me as the best one for you
No longer "I" but "We" is the promise we formulated
A perpetual journey together, we have created

I look behind not with bitter regrets
How my heart merged with yours, I can never forget
We've reached this far with this love so true
I'd be glad to walk endless miles with you

My eyes swell with tears, I whisper and pray
Take me in your arms, let me cry today
May my breath, find refuge in your heart
Deep in your love, may my life depart
*Qoute - inspired by Emily Bronte
Sometimes life is like...

A short walk on a long pier
Bright headlights in the eyes of a deer
One thing that is perfectly clear
Life's pretty scary from the view over here

Life can also be like...

The front end of a Big Mac truck
Pulling the pin on a grenade for luck
The smacking of lips along with the crunch
The last thing you hear as the lions lunch

Sometimes life can be like...

A hayride in a circle of fire
A kite flight where you can't get no higher
Late at night in a room full of liars
Having to sell to the lowest of buyers

Life can also be like...*

The swirling around in the toilets flush
The last seat on the back of the bus
No need to fight with all of this fuss
Life as it is can be pretty rough
tragedy is the word that comes to me
every time i pass your home
how did it all come to this
that you no longer are around

a family torn apart
by the injustice we call life
not that it's unaware it just doesn't care
what you think of wrong or right

to take a young loving mother
with so much potential left
out for a date with cancer
in the dining out of death

the marriage bond was broken
when along came death do us part
no words need be spoken
with the hardening of the heart

then along came the bottle
taking place of the marriage bed
she could never leave your heart
nor could she leave you head

whoever could have imagined
that it would come to this
that all would fade to black so fast
but what about the kids

they watched their mother like no other
try and smile away the pain
as their father seemed to lose control
to the bottle everyday

this isn't what they planed for
so they didn't plan ahead
do you think you'll live forever
if you never think of death

so now we turn to the children
since mom and dad have left the scene
all they can do now daily
is live their parents nightmarish dream
This is actually a true story (one of the few i've written) these were teenage friends of mine that married and isolated themselves in themselves. Not staying in touch with anyone, had a couple kids...only one I knew about. Then one day out of the blue I heard she died from cancer (No one knew) and a year later he's dead from the bottle and a broken heart. The really sad thing? They lived in the neighborhood next to me. I pass by their house daily....and wonder.
Singing sad songs with tears in my eyes again
Because you couldn't let me try to make you stay
And I miss you since the day you went away

Those flowers and love won't worth anything
because it wasn't from you

*You know I love you
You always know I love you
My past cursed me as it met you lately,
And It told me henceforth you are my life,
Even if this is a curse I feel and live it as a boon.

Time is travelling eternally but I want it to stop at this moment when I have seen you..
Please time,do not follow me when I am with her.
If you are not with me,I am not there myself,
Even If I conquer the world,it wouldn't be on par with the pleasure I revelled in from loving you.
The oblique drizzling drops are piercing and drenching the life within me..which is me.
It is because of you this unbearable sweet pain.

breezed into my heart when I inhaled,but don't elude me when I exhale...
You are staring at me as if you haven't influenced me,
Love for you has erupted from nothing or perhaps from staring at your eyes.
Don't fill yourself with past,live in this moment.
I am dwelling in the dreams and the waking life is telling me that the truth is in the path of loving you..and it is showing to me as a dream.
If I call this as love,then it would be diminished before this sweet pain of loving you....
You had me at the realisation that the pain is sweet and the pain is an inseperable byproduct of I love you,I also love the pain that comes along with that.....
 Dec 2014 Sydney Victoria
Plastic wrap sealing her mouth
suffocation nearly pleases her
Black holes under water lines
singing herself to sleep
Thinking until she weeps
letting her hands grab her feet
Hugging her legs close to her chest
just to feel comfort
Just to put herself to rest
pillows talk to her
Carving a voice in her head
as she lays down
Cool air flows through the holes
of her ripped jeans
Scabby knees
like rigged bark on trees
Her blanket covers her
still feeling alone
Zero texts on her phone
where is she to go?
When her shoes are now torn
from running away from her
 Dec 2014 Sydney Victoria
she swings
thinking about her tomorrow
she swings
to get away from her sorrow
she swings
while her master is away
she swings
to get away from her fate
she swings
not laughing
she swings
discreetly as they continue fighting
she swings
knowing that she is reckless
she swings*
*counting seconds to her death
this is about child labour. in my country, child labour is still prominent. the other day, i saw an underage babysitter,no more than 13 years of age swinging on the swing while the kid continued to play elsewhere. her expression,her tears and empathy drove me to write this.
might add more later
 Dec 2014 Sydney Victoria
in the sky
burned so bright
burned so high
how was I to know
it was the end of time.

Meteor predicted on
its way
flashed incandescent
as it made its way,
shattering into a
million fragments
atmosphere burning
fires starting
nuclear winter
envious of its

A lone figure
on a hill
never knew
such loneliness
as this,
took your hand
one last kiss.

The meteor bright
brought the end of time
rendering all of our
fears, petty jealousies
brutalities and stress
our issues
our loves

If I had known this
freedom wouldn't
have been that painted
she-male *****
seductively calling
to me for more -
but could have been
a moment before
that meteor made
its call.

The fires have melted
the stars have
been renewed
the planet continues
its spinning around
the sun
the deepest ocean fishes
continue evolution's marching orders
while a cell phone alarm
flips on
the icon shows "no signal"
while beneath
the rubble a
malfunctioning relay
finally finds
that call made
hours ago
and the phone
rings and rings
beneath the
ashen snow
until the last
no one is home.

Mother Earth
finally restored
once again.
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