I am not sure of my emotions.
They are running rampage in my head,
and my chest feels constricted,
as if it is about to burst at any given second.
I am not sure if I am sad, angry, or maybe depressed.
I am mostly unsure as to why I am feeling such conflicted emotions.
Am I sad because if we cross paths ever again
that there will not be hugs be given, or tears shed?
Am I angry at what I see on how you are living your life?
Can I even describe it in a single word?
Am I depressed because I see you are completely lost
and I can't do a single thing?
Lord knows I've tried.
I am confused.
Why do you hurt me in this way?
But you do not know how much this hurts me.
So how could I blame you?
But how I can not blame myself for not thinking?
If I were to have just spoke up.
I knew.
I knew all along.
We were always in the wrong,
But we never did anything about it.
I never did.
You did not want to.
I want to hate you.
After seeing the way you speak,
It makes me physically sick,
I have never seen so much disrespect and filth infiltrate your blood,
and now it lives in your veins.
I never thought I could despise you, or rather your current personality.
You are not the same person that you used to be.
Or maybe I was just too blind to see you for who you really were.
I regret ever inviting you into my life.